Tämä BIBFRAME-tietomalli perustuu Kongressin kirjaston julkaiseman BIBFRAME-tietomallin 2.4.0 versioon. Mallia on täydennetty RDA Registryn luokilla ja ominaisuuksilla sekä suomalaisiin kansallisiin kuvailuohjeisiin perustuvilla täydennyksillä. Yksi merkittävä ero Kongressin kirjaston BIBFRAME-versioon nähden on, että LKD-tietomalli jakaa BIBFRAMEn Work-tason RDA:n mukaisiin teos- ja ekspressiotasoihin.
Tämä 0.8.0-testiversio sisältää musiikki- ja audiovisuaalisten aineistojen kuvailussa tarvittavat luokat ja ominaisuudet. RDA:han perustuen lisäsimme tietomalliin myös muuhun kuin musiikkiin liittyvät esiintymiskokoonpanot. Lisäksi tämä versio tukee sarjojen, moniosaisten sekä päivittyvien teosten kuvailua.
About the data model
This BIBFRAME data model is based on the BIBFRAME 2.4.0 data model published by the Library of Congress. The model has been supplemented with categories and properties from RDA Registry, as well as additions based on the Finnish description guidelines. A notable difference to the Library of Congress BIBFRAME data model is that LKD data model splits bf:Work into bffi:Work and bffi:Expression corresponding to the structure of RDA classes.
This 0.8.0 test version includes the classes and properties needed to describe music and audiovisual materials. Based on RDA, we also added non-music medium of performance to the data model. In addition, this version supports the description of series, serials, and integrating works and expressions.
Tietomallidokumentaatio - Description Document
Copyright: © The National Library of Finland, 2022-2024
Prefixes in this document
Document view settings
Class: | AccessPolicy |
URN | |
Label |
Pääsyrajoitus (fi)
Access policy (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Access restrictions and allowances regarding access to a resource, e.g., lending policy, access restrictions, embargos (en)
Equivalent Class | |
SubClass Of | |
Related Value Vocabulary | |
Change Notes |
2024-02-23: New
Class: | AcquisitionSource |
URN | |
Label |
Hankintalähde (fi)
Acquisition source (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Information about an organization, person, etc., from which a resource may be obtained (en)
Equivalent Class | |
Is in Range Of | |
Related Value Vocabulary |
Hankintalähde (mts)
Change Notes |
2024-04-16: New
Class: | AdminMetadata |
URN | |
Label |
Hallinnolliset metatiedot (fi)
Administrative metadata (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Metadata about the metadata, especially provenance information (en)
Equivalent Class | |
Is in Domain Of | |
Is in Range Of | |
Change Notes |
2024-02-23: New
2024-06-19: Revised incoming/outgoing properties
Class: | Agent |
URN | |
Label |
Toimija (fi)
Agent (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Entity having a role in a resource, such as a person or organization (en)
Equivalent Class | |
SubClassed As | |
Is in Domain Of | |
Is in Range Of | |
Exact Match | |
Change Notes |
2024-02-23: New
Class: | AggregatingExpression |
URN | |
Label |
Aggregoiva ekspressio (fi)
Aggregating expression (en)
SubClass Of | |
Is in Domain Of | |
Is in Range Of | |
Broad Match | |
Close Match | |
Change Notes |
2024-02-23: New
Class: | AggregatingWork |
URN | |
Label |
Aggregoiva teos (fi)
Aggregating work (en)
SubClass Of |
Is in Domain Of | |
Broad Match | |
Close Match | |
Change Notes |
2024-02-23: New
Class: | AppliedMaterial |
URN | |
Label |
Päällimateriaali (fi)
Applied material (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Physical or chemical substance applied to a base material of a resource (en)
Equivalent Class | |
SubClass Of | |
See Also | |
Is in Range Of | |
Related Value Vocabulary |
Materiaali (mts)
Change Notes |
2024-09-16: New
Class: | Arrangement |
URN | |
Label |
Sovitus (fi)
Arrangement (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Resource that represents an arrangement of another resource (en)
Equivalent Class | |
SubClass Of | |
See Also | |
Change Notes |
2024-11-22: New
Class: | AspectRatio |
URN | |
Label |
Kuvasuhde (fi)
Aspect ratio (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Proportional relationship between an image's width and its height (en)
Equivalent Class | |
See Also | |
Is in Range Of | |
Related Value Vocabulary |
Kuvasuhde (mts)
Change Notes |
2024-11-22: New
Class: | BaseMaterial |
URN | |
Label |
Pohjamateriaali (fi)
Base material (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Underlying physical material of a resource (en)
Equivalent Class | |
SubClass Of | |
See Also | |
Is in Range Of | |
Related Value Vocabulary |
Pohjamateriaali (mts)
Change Notes |
2024-09-16: New
Class: | BibframeWork |
URN | |
Label |
BIBFRAME-teos (fi)
BIBFRAME Work (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Resource reflecting a conceptual essence of a cataloging resource (en)
Equivalent Class | |
SubClassed As | |
Narrow Match | |
Change Notes |
2024-02-23: New
Class: | Binding |
URN | |
Label |
Sidostyyppi (fi)
Binding (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Information about methods used to bind a published or unpublished resource, or other binding information (en)
Equivalent Class | |
See Also | |
Is in Range Of | |
Related Value Vocabulary |
Sidostyyppi (mts)
Change Notes |
2024-09-16: New
Class: | BookFormat |
URN | |
Label |
Bibliografinen koko (fi)
Book format (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Result of folding a printed sheet to form a gathering of leaves (en)
Equivalent Class | |
See Also | |
Is in Range Of | |
Related Value Vocabulary | |
Change Notes |
2024-09-16: New
Class: | BroadcastStandard |
URN | |
Label |
Lähetysstandardi (fi)
Broadcast standard (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: System used to format a video resource for television broadcast, e.g., HDTV, PAL (en)
Equivalent Class | |
SubClass Of | |
See Also | |
Related Value Vocabulary |
Lähetysstandardi (mts)
Change Notes |
2024-11-22: New
Class: | Capture |
URN | |
Label |
Taltiointitiedot (fi)
Capture of content (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Information about place and date associated with the capture (i.e., recording, filming, etc.) of the content of a resource (en)
Equivalent Class | |
Is in Domain Of | |
Is in Range Of | |
Change Notes |
2024-02-23: New
2024-11-22: Changed Finnish label from "Taltionti" to "Taltiointitiedot"
Class: | CaptureStorage |
URN | |
Label |
Taltiointi- ja tallennustekniikka (fi)
Capture and Storage Technique (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Specifies the sound capture and storage technique used on a sound recording resource (en)
Equivalent Class | |
SubClass Of | |
Related Value Vocabulary | |
Change Notes |
2024-11-22: New
Class: | Carrier |
URN | |
Label |
Tallennetyyppi (fi)
Carrier type (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Categorization reflecting the format of the storage medium and housing of a carrier (en)
Equivalent Class | |
See Also | |
Is in Range Of | |
Related Value Vocabulary |
Tallennetyyppi (mts)
Change Notes |
2024-02-23: New
Class: | Cartographic |
URN | |
Label |
Kartografinen tieto (fi)
Cartographic information (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Content that represents the whole or part of the earth, any celestial body, or imaginary place at any scale (en)
Equivalent Class | |
Is in Domain Of | |
Is in Range Of | |
Change Notes |
2024-02-23: New
Class: | CartographicDataType |
URN | |
Label |
Kartografinen tietotyyppi (fi)
Digital cartographic data type (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Data type for encoding of geospatial information in a cartographic resource, e.g., raster, vector, point (en)
Equivalent Class | |
SubClass Of | |
See Also | |
Related Value Vocabulary |
Kartografinen datatyyppi (mts)
Change Notes |
2024-04-16: New
Class: | CartographicObjectType |
URN | |
Label |
Kartografisen sisällön digitaalinen esitysmuoto (fi)
Digital cartographic object type (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Object type for encoding of geospatial information in a cartographic resource, e.g., point, line, polygon (en)
Equivalent Class | |
SubClass Of | |
Change Notes |
2024-04-16: New
Class: | CartographyExpression |
URN | |
Label |
Kartografinen ekspressio (fi)
Cartographic expression (en)
Disjoint With | |
SubClass Of | |
Is in Domain Of | |
Broad Match | |
Change Notes |
2024-02-23: New
Class: | CartographyWork |
URN | |
Label |
Kartografinen teos (fi)
Cartographic work (en)
Disjoint With | |
SubClass Of |
Is in Domain Of | |
Broad Match | |
Change Notes |
2024-02-23: New
Class: | ChoreographicMedium |
URN | |
Label |
Koreografinen esityskokoonpano (fi)
Choreographic medium (en)
Is in Range Of | |
Close Match | |
Change Notes |
2024-11-22: New
Class: | Chronology |
URN | |
Label |
Julkaisuaikatiedot (fi)
Chronology (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Dates associated with issues or items held (en)
Equivalent Class | |
SubClass Of | |
Is in Range Of | |
Change Notes |
2024-02-23: New
Class: | Classification |
URN | |
Label |
Luokitus (fi)
Classification entity (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: System of coding and organizing materials according to their subject (en)
Equivalent Class | |
SubClassed As | |
Is in Domain Of | |
Is in Range Of | |
Broad Match | |
Change Notes |
2024-02-23: New
Class: | ClassificationDdc |
URN | |
Label |
Dewey-luokitus (fi)
DDC classification (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Dewey Decimal Classification number used for subject access (en)
Equivalent Class | |
SubClass Of | |
Change Notes |
2024-06-19: New
Class: | ClassificationLcc |
URN | |
Label |
Library of Congress -luokitus (fi)
LCC classification (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Library of Congress Classification number used for subject access (en)
Equivalent Class | |
SubClass Of | |
Change Notes |
2024-06-19: New
Class: | ClassificationNal |
URN | |
Label |
National Agricultural Library -luokitus (fi)
NAL classification (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: National Library of Agriculter number used for subject access (en)
Equivalent Class | |
SubClass Of | |
Change Notes |
2024-09-16: New
Class: | ClassificationNlm |
URN | |
Label |
National Library of Medicine -luokitus (fi)
NLM classification (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: National Library of Medicine Classification number used for subject access (en)
Equivalent Class | |
SubClass Of | |
Change Notes |
2024-06-19: New
2024-09-16: Changed Finnish label
Class: | ClassificationUdc |
URN | |
Label |
UDK-luokitus (fi)
UDC Classification (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Universal Decimal Classification number used for subject access (en)
Equivalent Class | |
SubClass Of | |
Change Notes |
2024-02-23: New
Class: | CollectionAccrualMethod |
URN | |
Label |
Kokoelman kartuntamenetelmä (fi)
Collection accrual method (en)
See Also | |
Is in Range Of | |
Related Value Vocabulary | |
Broad Match | |
Change Notes |
2024-04-16: New
2024-06-19: Removed subClassOf bffi:UsageAndAccessPolicy
Class: | CollectionAccrualPolicy |
URN | |
Label |
Kokoelman kartuttamisen linja (fi)
Collection accrual policy (en)
See Also | |
Is in Range Of | |
Related Value Vocabulary | |
Broad Match | |
Change Notes |
2024-04-16: New
2024-06-19: Removed subClassOf bffi:UsageAndAccessPolicy
Class: | CollectionArrangement |
URN | |
Label |
Järjestämisperiaate (fi)
Organization of materials information (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Information about the organization and arrangement of a collection of items (en)
Equivalent Class | |
Is in Domain Of | |
Is in Range Of | |
Change Notes |
2024-04-16: New
Class: | CollectionExpression |
URN | |
Label |
Kokoelmaekspressio (fi)
Collection expression (en)
SubClass Of | |
Broad Match | |
Change Notes |
2024-02-23: New
Class: | CollectionItem |
URN | |
Label |
Kokoelmakappale (fi)
Collection item (en)
SubClass Of | |
Broad Match | |
Change Notes |
2024-04-16: New
Class: | CollectionWork |
URN | |
Label |
Kokoelmateos (fi)
Collection work (en)
SubClass Of |
Is in Domain Of | |
Broad Match | |
Change Notes |
2024-02-23: New
Class: | ColorContent |
URN | |
Label |
Värisisältö (fi)
Color content (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Color characteristics of a resource, e.g., black and white, multicolored, etc. (en)
Equivalent Class | |
See Also | |
Is in Range Of | |
Related Value Vocabulary |
Värillisyys (mts)
Change Notes |
2024-04-16: New
Class: | Content |
URN | |
Label |
Sisältötyyppi (fi)
Content type (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Categorization reflecting the fundamental form of communication in which the content is expressed and the human sense through which it is intended to be perceived (en)
Equivalent Class | |
Is in Range Of | |
Change Notes |
2024-02-23: New
Class: | ContentAccessibility |
URN | |
Label |
Saavutettavuussisältö (fi)
Content accessibility information (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Information that assists those with a sensory impairment for greater understanding of content, e.g., captions (en)
Equivalent Class | |
Is in Range Of | |
Related Value Vocabulary | |
Change Notes |
2024-09-16: New
Class: | Contribution |
URN | |
Label |
Kontribuutio (fi)
Contribution (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Agent and role with respect to the resource being described (en)
Equivalent Class | |
SubClassed As | |
Is in Domain Of | |
Is in Range Of | |
Change Notes |
2024-02-23: New
Class: | CopyrightRegistration |
URN | |
Label |
Tekijänoikeus- tai vapaakappaletiedot (fi)
Copyright registration (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Copyright or Legal Deposit registration information (en)
Equivalent Class | |
Is in Range Of | |
Change Notes |
2024-02-23: New
Class: | CoverArt |
URN | |
Label |
Kansikuva (fi)
Cover art (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Cover illustration of a resource (en)
Equivalent Class | |
Is in Range Of | |
Change Notes |
2024-02-23: New
Class: | Dataset |
URN | |
Label |
Datasetti (fi)
Dataset (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Data encoded in a defined structure, including numeric data, environmental data, etc., used by applications software (en)
Equivalent Class | |
SubClass Of | |
Change Notes |
2024-02-23: New
2024-06-19: Changed BIBFRAME mapping from bffi-meta:broadMatch to owl:equivalentClass bf:Dataset
Class: | Degree |
URN | |
Label |
Oppiarvo (fi)
Degree (en)
Is in Range Of | |
Change Notes |
2024-02-23: New
Class: | DescriptionAuthentication |
URN | |
Label |
Autentikointikoodi (fi)
Description authentication (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Indication of specific types of reviews that have been carried out on the description information (en)
Equivalent Class | |
Is in Range Of | |
Change Notes |
2024-06-19: New
Class: | DescriptionConventions |
URN | |
Label |
Kuvailusäännöt (fi)
Description conventions (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Rules used for the descriptive content of the resource description (en)
Equivalent Class | |
Is in Range Of | |
Change Notes |
2024-06-19: New
Class: | DescriptionLevel |
URN | |
Label |
Kuvailun tietomalli (fi)
Description level (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Designation of the descriptive content of the metadata (en)
Equivalent Class | |
Is in Range Of | |
Change Notes |
2024-06-19: New
2024-11-22: Changed Finnish label from "Kuvailutaso" to "Kuvailun tietomalli"
Class: | DigitalCharacteristic |
URN | |
Label |
Digitaalisen tiedoston ominaisuus (fi)
Digital characteristic (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Technical specification relating to the digital encoding of text, image, audio, video, and other types of data in a resource (en)
Equivalent Class | |
SubClassed As | |
Is in Range Of | |
Change Notes |
2024-04-16: New
Class: | Dissertation |
URN | |
Label |
Tieto väitöskirjasta tai muusta opinnäytteestä (fi)
Dissertation information (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Information about a work presented as part of the formal requirements for an academic degree (en)
Equivalent Class | |
Is in Domain Of | |
Is in Range Of | |
Change Notes |
2024-02-23: New
2024-11-22: Changed Finnish label from "Tieto väitöskirjasta" to "Tieto väitöskirjasta tai muusta opinnäytteestä"
Class: | Distribution |
URN | |
Label |
Jakelija (fi)
Distributor (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Information relating to distribution of a resource (en)
Equivalent Class | |
SubClass Of | |
Change Notes |
2024-02-23: New
2024-11-22: Changed Finnish label from "Jakaja" to "Jakelija"
Class: | Emulsion |
URN | |
Label |
Mikrofilmin ja mikrokortin emulsio (fi)
Emulsion (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Suspension of light-sensitive chemicals used as a coating on a microfilm or microfiche, e.g., silver halide (en)
Equivalent Class | |
Is in Range Of | |
Change Notes |
2024-09-16: New
Class: | EncodedBitrate |
URN | |
Label |
Koodattu bittinopeus (fi)
Encoded bitrate (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Speed at which streaming audio, video, etc., is designed to play, e.g., 32 kbps (en)
Equivalent Class | |
SubClass Of | |
Change Notes |
2024-11-22: New
Class: | EncodingFormat |
URN | |
Label |
Koodausmuoto (fi)
Encoding format (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Schema, standard, etc., used to encode the digital content of a resource, e.g., MP3, XML, JPEG (en)
Equivalent Class | |
SubClass Of | |
Change Notes |
2024-11-22: New
Class: | EncodingLevel |
URN | |
Label |
Kuvailutaso (fi)
Encoding level (en)
Definition |
BFLC definition: Designation of the fullness of the bibliographic description. (en)
Equivalent Class | |
Is in Range Of | |
Change Notes |
2024-11-22: New
Class: | Enumeration |
URN | |
Label |
Numerointi (fi)
Enumeration (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Numbering or other enumeration associated with issues or items held (en)
Equivalent Class | |
SubClass Of | |
Is in Range Of | |
Change Notes |
2024-02-23: New
Class: | EnumerationAndChronology |
URN | |
Label |
Numerointi- ja julkaisuaikatiedot (fi)
Enumeration and chronology (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Numbering or other enumeration and dates associated with issues or items held (en)
Equivalent Class | |
SubClassed As | |
Is in Range Of | |
Change Notes |
2024-02-23: New
Class: | Event |
URN | |
Label |
Tapahtuma (fi)
Event entity (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Something that happens at a certain time and location, such as a performance, speech, or athletic event (en)
Equivalent Class | |
Is in Domain Of | |
Is in Range Of | |
Change Notes |
2024-02-23: New
Class: | Expression |
URN | |
Label |
Ekspressio (fi)
Expression (en)
Disjoint With | |
SubClass Of | |
SubClassed As | |
Is in Domain Of | |
Is in Range Of | |
Broad Match | |
Exact Match | |
Change Notes |
2024-02-23: New
Class: | ExtensionPlan |
URN | |
Label |
Laajennussuunnitelma (fi)
Extension plan (en)
See Also | |
Is in Range Of | |
Related Value Vocabulary |
Laajennussuunnitelma (mts)
Broad Match | |
Change Notes |
2024-04-16: New
2024-06-19: Removed subClassOf bffi:Issuance
Class: | Extent |
URN | |
Label |
Laajuus (fi)
Extent (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Number and type of units and/or subunits making up a resource (en)
Equivalent Class | |
See Also | |
Is in Range Of | |
Related Value Vocabulary |
Laajuus (mts)
Change Notes |
2024-02-23: New
Class: | Family |
URN | |
Label |
Suku (fi)
Family (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Two or more persons related by birth, marriage, adoption, civil union, or similar legal status, or who otherwise present themselves as a family (en)
Equivalent Class | |
SubClass Of | |
Exact Match | |
Change Notes |
2024-02-23: New
Class: | FileSize |
URN | |
Label |
Tiedostokoko (fi)
File size (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Number of bytes in a digital file, e.g., 162 KB (en)
Equivalent Class | |
SubClass Of | |
Change Notes |
2024-09-16: New
Class: | FileType |
URN | |
Label |
Tiedostotyyppi (fi)
File type (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: General type of data content encoded in a computer file, e.g., text file, audio file (en)
Equivalent Class | |
SubClass Of | |
See Also | |
Related Value Vocabulary |
Tiedostotyyppi (mts)
Change Notes |
2024-09-16: New
Class: | FontSize |
URN | |
Label |
Kirjasinkoko (fi)
Font size (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Size of the type used to represent the characters and symbols in a resource (en)
Equivalent Class | |
See Also | |
Is in Range Of | |
Related Value Vocabulary |
Kirjasinkoko (mts)
Change Notes |
2024-09-16: New
Class: | Frequency |
URN | |
Label |
Ilmestymistiheys (fi)
Frequency (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Information about intervals at which the parts of a serially produced resource or the updates to an integrating resource are issued (en)
Equivalent Class | |
See Also | |
Is in Range Of | |
Change Notes |
2024-11-22: New
Class: | Generation |
URN | |
Label |
Sukupolvi (fi)
Generation (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Relationship between an original carrier and the carrier of a reproduction made from the original (en)
Equivalent Class | |
See Also | |
Is in Range Of | |
Related Value Vocabulary |
Sukupolvi (mts)
Change Notes |
2024-09-16: New
Class: | GenerationProcess |
URN | |
Label |
Konversioprosessi (fi)
Generation process (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Indication of the program or process used to generate the description by application of a particular transformation (en)
Equivalent Class | |
Is in Range Of | |
Change Notes |
2024-06-19: New
Class: | GenreForm |
URN | |
Label |
Teoksen kategoria (fi)
Category of work (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Form category or genre to which a resource belongs (en)
Equivalent Class | |
Is in Range Of | |
Related Value Vocabulary |
Teoksen muoto (mts)
Change Notes |
2024-02-23: New
Class: | GrooveCharacteristic |
URN | |
Label |
Uran ominaisuudet (fi)
Groove characteristic (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Groove width of an analog disc or the groove pitch of an analog cylinder, e.g., coarse groove, microgroove (en)
Equivalent Property | |
SubClass Of | |
See Also | |
Related Value Vocabulary |
Uran ominaisuudet (mts)
Change Notes |
2024-11-22: New
Class: | GrooveCutting |
URN | |
Label |
Leikkaustapa (fi)
Groove cutting (en)
Definition |
BFLC definition: Kind of cutting of the grooves used on a disc whose sound reproduction process involves a cutting head inscribing a modulated groove into the surface of a rotating cylinder or disc. (en)
Equivalent Property | |
SubClass Of | |
See Also | |
Related Value Vocabulary |
Uran ominaisuudet (mts)
Change Notes |
2024-11-22: New
Class: | Identifier |
URN | |
Label |
Tunniste (fi)
Identifier (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Token or name that is associated with a resource, such as a URI or an ISBN (en)
Equivalent Class | |
SubClassed As | |
Is in Domain Of | |
Is in Range Of | |
Broad Match | |
Change Notes |
2024-02-23: New
Class: | Illustration |
URN | |
Label |
Kuvasisältö (fi)
Illustrative content (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Information about content intended to illustrate a resource (en)
Equivalent Class | |
See Also | |
Is in Range Of | |
Related Value Vocabulary |
Kuvasisältö (mts)
Change Notes |
2024-02-23: New
Class: | ImmediateAcquisition |
URN | |
Label |
Kappaleen hankintalähde (fi)
Immediate acquisition (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Information about the circumstances, e.g., source, date, method, under which the resource was directly acquired (en)
Equivalent Class | |
Is in Range Of | |
Related Value Vocabulary |
Hankintalähde (mts)
Change Notes |
2024-04-16: New
Class: | Integrating |
URN | |
Label |
Päivittyvä teos (fi)
Integrating work (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Resource that is added to or changed by updates that do not remain discrete but are integrated into the whole (en)
Equivalent Class | |
SubClass Of |
Broad Match | |
Change Notes |
2024-02-23: New
Class: | IntendedAudience |
URN | |
Label |
Kohderyhmä (fi)
Intended audience information (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Information that identifies the specific intended or target audience or intellectual level for which the content described is considered appropriate; also used to record interest and motivation levels and special learner characteristics (en)
Equivalent Class | |
Is in Range Of | |
Related Value Vocabulary |
Kohderyhmä (mts)
Change Notes |
2024-02-23: New
Class: | Issuance |
URN | |
Label |
Julkaisutapa (fi)
Mode of issuance (en)
See Also | |
Is in Range Of | |
Related Value Vocabulary |
Julkaisutapa (mts)
Broad Match | |
Change Notes |
2024-02-23: New
Class: | Item |
URN | |
Label |
Kappale (fi)
Item (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Single example of an Instance (en)
Equivalent Class | |
SubClassed As | |
Is in Domain Of | |
Is in Range Of | |
Exact Match | |
Change Notes |
2024-02-23: New
Class: | Kit |
URN | |
Label |
Moniviestin (fi)
Kit (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Resource that contains a mixture of various components issued as a unit and intended primarily for instructional purposes (en)
Equivalent Class | |
SubClass Of | |
Change Notes |
2024-02-23: New
Class: | Language |
URN | |
Label |
Kieli (fi)
Language entity (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Language entity (en)
Equivalent Class | |
Is in Range Of | |
Change Notes |
2024-02-23: New
Class: | Layout |
URN | |
Label |
Layout (fi)
Layout (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Arrangement of text, images, tactile notation, etc., in a resource (en)
Equivalent Class | |
See Also | |
Is in Range Of | |
Related Value Vocabulary |
Layout (mts)
Change Notes |
2024-06-19: New
Class: | Local |
URN | |
Label |
Järjestelmän tunniste (fi)
Local identifier (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Identifier established locally and not a standard number (en)
Equivalent Class | |
SubClass Of | |
Change Notes |
2024-06-19: New
Class: | MachineModel |
URN | |
Label |
Laitteen merkki ja malli (fi)
Make and model of machine (en)
Definition |
BFLC definition: Model of the computing device on which the resource operates. (en)
Equivalent Class | |
SubClass Of | |
Change Notes |
2024-11-22: New
Class: | Manifestation |
URN | |
Label |
Manifestaatio (fi)
Manifestation (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Resource reflecting an individual, material embodiment of a Work (en)
Equivalent Class | |
SubClassed As | |
Is in Domain Of | |
Is in Range Of | |
Exact Match | |
Change Notes |
2024-02-23: New
Class: | Manufacture |
URN | |
Label |
Valmistaja (fi)
Manufacturer (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Information relating to manufacture of a resource (en)
Equivalent Class | |
SubClass Of | |
Is in Domain Of | |
Broad Match | |
Change Notes |
2024-02-23: New
Class: | Manuscript |
URN | |
Label |
Käsikirjoitus (fi)
Manuscript (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Resource which is written in handwriting or typescript (en)
Equivalent Class | |
SubClass Of |
Change Notes |
2024-04-16: New
Class: | Material |
URN | |
Label |
Materiaali (fi)
Material (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Substance or composition of the resource (en)
Equivalent Class | |
SubClassed As | |
See Also | |
Is in Range Of | |
Related Value Vocabulary |
Materiaali (mts)
Change Notes |
2024-09-16: New
Class: | Media |
URN | |
Label |
Mediatyyppi (fi)
Media type (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Categorization reflecting the general type of intermediation device required to view, play, run, etc., the content of a resource (en)
Equivalent Class | |
See Also | |
Is in Range Of | |
Related Value Vocabulary |
Mediatyyppi (mts)
Change Notes |
2024-02-23: New
Class: | Meeting |
URN | |
Label |
Kokous (fi)
Meeting (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Gathering of individuals or representatives of various bodies for the purpose of discussing and/or acting on topics of common interest (en)
Equivalent Class | |
SubClass Of | |
Broad Match | |
Change Notes |
2024-02-23: New
Class: | MetadataLicensor |
URN | |
Label |
Metatiedon tekijänoikeus (fi)
Metadata licensor (en)
Definition |
BFLC definition: Organization that licenses the intellectual property rights to the data contained in the description. (en)
Equivalent Class | |
SubClass Of | |
Is in Range Of | |
Change Notes |
2024-06-19: New
Class: | MixedMaterial |
URN | |
Label |
Kooste (fi)
Mixed material (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Resource comprised of multiple types which is not driven by software, e.g. an archival collection of text, photographs and sound recordings (en)
Equivalent Class | |
SubClass Of | |
SubClassed As | |
Change Notes |
2024-02-23: New
Class: | Modification |
URN | |
Label |
Muokkaus (fi)
Modification (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Information relating to modification of a resource (en)
Equivalent Class | |
SubClass Of | |
Change Notes |
2024-02-23: New
Class: | MonographExpression |
URN | |
Label |
Monografiaekspressio (fi)
Monograph expression (en)
SubClass Of | |
Broad Match | |
Change Notes |
2024-02-23: New
Class: | MonographWork |
URN | |
Label |
Monografiateos (fi)
Monograph work (en)
SubClass Of |
Is in Domain Of | |
Broad Match | |
Change Notes |
2024-02-23: New
Class: | Mount |
URN | |
Label |
Tukimateriaali (fi)
Mount (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Physical material or object used for the support or backing to which the base material of a resource has been attached (en)
Equivalent Class | |
Is in Range Of | |
Change Notes |
2024-09-16: New
Class: | MovementNotation |
URN | |
Label |
Liikenotaation tyyppi (fi)
Movement notation (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Information on the symbol system used to convey the content of a movement resource (en)
Equivalent Class | |
SubClass Of | |
See Also | |
Related Value Vocabulary |
Liikenotaation tyyppi (mts)
Change Notes |
2024-02-23: New
Class: | MovingImageExpression |
URN | |
Label |
Liikkuvan kuvan ekspressio (fi)
Moving image expression (en)
Disjoint With | |
SubClass Of | |
Is in Domain Of | |
Broad Match | |
Change Notes |
2024-02-23: New
Class: | MovingImageWork |
URN | |
Label |
Liikkuvan kuvan teos (fi)
Moving image work (en)
Disjoint With | |
SubClass Of |
Is in Domain Of | |
Broad Match | |
Change Notes |
2024-02-23: New
Class: | Multimedia |
URN | |
Label |
Ohjelmisto (fi)
Software (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Electronic resource which is a computer program or consists of multiple media types that are software driven, such as videogames (en)
Equivalent Class | |
SubClass Of | |
Change Notes |
2024-02-23: New
Class: | MusicAudioExpression |
URN | |
Label |
Musiikkiaudioekspressio (fi)
Music audio expression (en)
SubClass Of | |
Is in Domain Of | |
Broad Match | |
Change Notes |
2024-02-23: New
2024-11-22: Changed subClassOf from bffi:AudioExpression to bffi:Expression
Class: | MusicFormat |
URN | |
Label |
Nuottiaineiston muoto (fi)
Notated music format (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Layout for content of a resource that is presented in the form of musical notation (en)
Equivalent Class | |
See Also | |
Is in Range Of | |
Related Value Vocabulary |
Nuottiaineiston muoto (mts)
Change Notes |
2024-02-23: New
Class: | MusicMedium |
URN | |
Label |
Musiikin esityskokoonpano (fi)
Music medium information (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Summary statement of the medium for a musical work (en)
Equivalent Class | |
Is in Range Of | |
Change Notes |
2024-02-23: New
Class: | MusicNotation |
URN | |
Label |
Nuottikirjoituksen tyyppi (fi)
Music notation (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Information on the symbol system used to convey the content of a music resource (en)
Equivalent Class | |
SubClass Of | |
See Also | |
Related Value Vocabulary | |
Change Notes |
2024-02-23: New
Class: | MusicWork |
URN | |
Label |
Musiikkiteos (fi)
Music work (en)
SubClass Of |
Is in Domain Of | |
Close Match | |
Change Notes |
2024-11-22: New
Class: | NonMusicAudioExpression |
URN | |
Label |
Musiikiton audioekspressio (fi)
Non-music audio expression (en)
SubClass Of | |
Is in Domain Of | |
Broad Match | |
Change Notes |
2024-02-23: New
2024-11-22: Changed subClassOf from bffi:AudioExpression to bffi:Expression
Class: | NonMusicAudioWork |
URN | |
Label |
Musiikiton ääniteos (fi)
Non-music audio work (en)
SubClass Of |
Is in Domain Of | |
Broad Match | |
Change Notes |
2024-02-23: New
2024-11-22: Changed subClassOf from bffi:AudioWork to bffi:Work
Class: | NotatedMovement |
URN | |
Label |
Liikenotaatio (fi)
Notated movement (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Graphic, non-realized representations of movement intended to be perceived visually, e.g. dance (en)
Equivalent Class | |
SubClass Of | |
Change Notes |
2024-02-23: New
2024-11-22: Changed Finnish label from "Liikenotaation tyyppi" to "Liikenotaatio"
Class: | NotatedMusic |
URN | |
Label |
Musiikkinotaatio (fi)
Notated music (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Graphic, non-realized representations of musical works intended to be perceived visually (en)
Equivalent Class | |
SubClass Of | |
Is in Domain Of | |
Change Notes |
2024-02-23: New
2024-11-22: Changed Finnish label from "Nuottiaineiston muoto" to "Musiikkinotaatio"
Class: | Notation |
URN | |
Label |
Notaatio (fi)
Notation (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Information on the alphabet, script, or symbol system used to convey the content of the resource, including specialized scripts, typefaces, tactile notation, movement notation, and musical notation (en)
Equivalent Class | |
SubClassed As | |
Is in Range Of | |
Change Notes |
2024-02-23: New
Class: | Note |
URN | |
Label |
Huomautus (fi)
Note (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Information, usually in textual form, on attributes of a resource or some aspect of a resource (en)
Equivalent Class | |
SubClassed As | |
Is in Range Of | |
Change Notes |
2024-02-23: New
Class: | Object |
URN | |
Label |
Kolmiulotteinen muoto (fi)
Three-dimensional form (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Resource in a form intended to be perceived visually in three-dimensions, including man-made objects such as models, sculptures, clothing, and toys, as well as naturally occurring objects such as specimens mounted for viewing (en)
Equivalent Class | |
SubClass Of | |
See Also | |
Is in Domain Of | |
Change Notes |
2024-02-23: New
Class: | ObjectCount |
URN | |
Label |
Objektien lukumäärä (fi)
Digital cartographic object count (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Number of objects in encoded geospatial information in a cartographic resource (en)
Equivalent Class | |
SubClass Of | |
Change Notes |
2024-04-16: New
Class: | OperatingSystem |
URN | |
Label |
Käyttöjärjestelmä (fi)
Operating system (en)
Definition |
BFLC definition: Software that directly operates a system's hardware and serves as a platform for applications. (en)
Equivalent Class | |
SubClass Of | |
Change Notes |
2024-11-22: New
Class: | Organization |
URN | |
Label |
Yhteisö (fi)
Organization (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Corporation or group of persons and/or organizations that acts, or may act, as a unit (en)
Equivalent Class | |
SubClass Of | |
Is in Range Of | |
Close Match | |
Change Notes |
2024-02-23: New
Class: | Person |
URN | |
Label |
Henkilö (fi)
Person (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Individual or identity established by an individual (either alone or in collaboration with one or more other individuals) (en)
Equivalent Class | |
SubClass Of | |
Is in Range Of | |
Exact Match | |
Change Notes |
2024-02-23: New
Class: | Place |
URN | |
Label |
Paikka (fi)
Place (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Geographic location (en)
Equivalent Class | |
Is in Range Of | |
Exact Match | |
Change Notes |
2024-02-23: New
Class: | PlaybackChannels |
URN | |
Label |
Toistokanavien määrä (fi)
Configuration of playback channels (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Configuration/number of sound channels used to make a recording, such as one channel for a monophonic recording, e.g., mono, stereo, quadraphonic, surround (en)
Equivalent Class | |
SubClass Of | |
See Also | |
Related Value Vocabulary |
Toistokanavien määrä (mts)
Change Notes |
2024-11-22: New
Class: | PlaybackCharacteristic |
URN | |
Label |
Äänentoiston erityisominaisuudet (fi)
Special playback characteristics (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Equalization system, noise reduction system, etc., used in making an audio recording, e.g., CCIR standard, CX encoded, Dolby (en)
Equivalent Class | |
SubClass Of | |
See Also | |
Related Value Vocabulary | |
Change Notes |
2024-11-22: New
Class: | PlayingSpeed |
URN | |
Label |
Toistonopeus (fi)
Playing speed (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Speed at which an audio carrier must be operated to produce the sound intended, e.g., 78 rpm, 19 cm/s (en)
Equivalent Class | |
SubClass Of | |
Related Value Vocabulary |
Äänen toistonopeus (mts)
Change Notes |
2024-11-22: New
Class: | Polarity |
URN | |
Label |
Polariteetti (fi)
Polarity (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Relationship of the colors and tones in an image to the colors and tones of the object reproduced (en)
Equivalent Class | |
See Also | |
Is in Range Of | |
Related Value Vocabulary |
Polariteetti (mts)
Change Notes |
2024-09-16: New
Class: | PresentationFormat |
URN | |
Label |
Esitysformaatti (fi)
Presentation format (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Format used in the production of a projected image, e.g., Cinerama, IMAX (en)
Equivalent Class | |
SubClass Of | |
See Also | |
Related Value Vocabulary |
Esitysformaatti (mts)
Change Notes |
2024-11-22: New
Class: | PrimaryContribution |
URN | |
Label |
Päävastuullinen tekijä (fi)
Primary contribution (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Contribution for which the agent is the name chosen as the name part of the name and title access point (en)
Equivalent Class | |
SubClass Of | |
Change Notes |
2024-02-23: New
Class: | Production |
URN | |
Label |
Tuottaja (fi)
Producer (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Information relating to production of a resource (en)
Equivalent Class | |
SubClass Of | |
Broad Match | |
Change Notes |
2024-02-23: New
Class: | ProductionMethod |
URN | |
Label |
Valmistusmenetelmä (fi)
Production method (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Process used to produce a resource (en)
Equivalent Class | |
See Also | |
Is in Range Of | |
Related Value Vocabulary |
Valmistusmenetelmä (mts)
Change Notes |
2024-09-16: New
Class: | ProgrammingLanguage |
URN | |
Label |
Ohjelmointikieli (fi)
Programming language (en)
Definition |
BFLC definition: Name of the programming language associated with the data comprising the resource. (en)
Equivalent Class | |
SubClass Of | |
Change Notes |
2024-11-22: New
Class: | Projection |
URN | |
Label |
Projektio (fi)
Projection (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Method or system used to represent the surface of the earth or of a celestial sphere on a plane (en)
Equivalent Class | |
Is in Range Of | |
Change Notes |
2024-02-23: New
Class: | ProjectionCharacteristic |
URN | |
Label |
Elokuvafilmin projisointiominaisuudet (fi)
Projection characteristic (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Technical specification relating to the projection of a motion picture film (en)
Equivalent Class | |
SubClassed As | |
See Also | |
Is in Range Of | |
Change Notes |
2024-11-22: New
Class: | ProjectionSpeed |
URN | |
Label |
Projisointinopeus (fi)
Projection speed (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Speed at which a projected carrier must be operated to produce the moving image intended, e.g., 20 fps (en)
Equivalent Class | |
SubClass Of | |
Change Notes |
2024-11-22: New
Class: | ProvisionActivity |
URN | |
Label |
Tuottamistiedot (fi)
Provider entity (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Information about the agent or place relating to the publication, printing, distribution, issue, release, or production of a resource (en)
Equivalent Class | |
SubClassed As | |
Is in Domain Of | |
Is in Range Of | |
Change Notes |
2024-02-23: New
Class: | PubFrequency |
URN | |
Label |
Ilmestymistiheys (fi)
Publication Frequency (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Information about the publication frequency of a resource (en)
Equivalent Class | |
See Also | |
Is in Range Of | |
Change Notes |
2024-11-22: New
Class: | Publication |
URN | |
Label |
Kustantaja (fi)
Publisher (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Information relating to publication of a resource (en)
Equivalent Class | |
SubClass Of | |
Change Notes |
2024-02-23: New
Class: | RecordingMedium |
URN | |
Label |
Äänen tallennusmenetelmä (fi)
Recording medium (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Type of medium used to record sound on an audio carrier, e.g., magnetic, optical (en)
Equivalent Class | |
SubClass Of | |
See Also | |
Related Value Vocabulary | |
Change Notes |
2024-11-22: New
Class: | RecordingMethod |
URN | |
Label |
Äänen tallennustapa (fi)
Type of recording (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Method used to encode audio content for playback, e.g., analog, digital (en)
Equivalent Class | |
SubClass Of | |
See Also | |
Related Value Vocabulary |
Äänen tallennustapa (mts)
Change Notes |
2024-11-22: New
Class: | RecordingSource |
URN | |
Label |
Merkintälähde (fi)
Recording source (en)
SubClass Of | |
SubClassed As | |
See Also | |
Is in Range Of | |
Related Value Vocabulary |
Merkintälähde (mts)
Broad Match | |
Change Notes |
2024-02-23: New
Class: | ReductionRatio |
URN | |
Label |
Pienennyssuhde (fi)
Reduction ratio (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Size of a micro-image in relation to the original from which it was produced (en)
Equivalent Class | |
See Also | |
Is in Range Of | |
Related Value Vocabulary |
Pienennyssuhde (mts)
Change Notes |
2024-11-22: New
Class: | RegionalEncoding |
URN | |
Label |
Aluekoodi (fi)
Regional encoding (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Identification of the region of the world for which a videodisc has been encoded, e.g., region 4 (en)
Equivalent Class | |
SubClass Of | |
See Also | |
Related Value Vocabulary |
Aluekoodi (mts)
Change Notes |
2024-11-22: New
Class: | Relation |
URN | |
Label |
Suhde (fi)
Relation (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Associated resource and its relationship to the resource being described (en)
Equivalent Class | |
Is in Domain Of | |
Is in Range Of | |
Change Notes |
2024-09-16: New
Class: | Relationship |
URN | |
Label |
Suhdetyyppi (fi)
Relationship (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Type of relationship between resources (en)
Equivalent Class | |
Is in Range Of | |
Related Value Vocabulary |
Suhteet (mts)
Change Notes |
2024-09-16: New
Class: | Relief |
URN | |
Label |
Korkeuserojen esitystapa (fi)
Relief (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Relief term specified on a cartographic resource (en)
Equivalent Class | |
Is in Range Of | |
Change Notes |
2024-04-16: New
Class: | Resolution |
URN | |
Label |
Resoluutio (fi)
Resolution (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Clarity or fineness of detail in a digital image, expressed by the measurement of the image in pixels, etc., e.g., 3.1 megapixels (en)
Equivalent Class | |
SubClass Of | |
Change Notes |
2024-11-22: New
Class: | RetentionPolicy |
URN | |
Label |
Säilytyskäytäntö (fi)
Retention policy (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Policy of holding institution for retaining resource (en)
Equivalent Class | |
SubClass Of | |
Change Notes |
2024-04-16: New
Class: | Role |
URN | |
Label |
Rooli (fi)
Role (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Function played or provided by a contributor, e.g., author or illustrator (en)
Equivalent Class | |
Is in Range Of | |
Related Value Vocabulary | |
Change Notes |
2024-02-23: New
Class: | Scale |
URN | |
Label |
Mittakaava (fi)
Scale (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Ratio of the dimensions of a form contained or embodied in a resource to the dimensions of the entity it represents, e.g., for images or cartographic resources (en)
Equivalent Class | |
SubClassed As | |
Is in Domain Of | |
Is in Range Of | |
Related Value Vocabulary |
Mittakaavan määrite (mts)
Change Notes |
2024-02-23: New
Class: | ScaleDesignation |
URN | |
Label |
Mittakaavan määrite (fi)
Scale designation (en)
SubClass Of | |
See Also | |
Is in Range Of | |
Related Value Vocabulary |
Mittakaavan määrite (mts)
Broad Match | |
Change Notes |
2024-04-16: New
Class: | Script |
URN | |
Label |
Kirjoitusjärjestelmä (fi)
Script (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Information on the script, or symbol system used to convey the content of a text resource (en)
Equivalent Class | |
SubClass Of | |
Change Notes |
2024-02-23: New
Class: | SerialExpression |
URN | |
Label |
Sarjajulkaisuekspressio (fi)
Serial expression (en)
Disjoint With | |
SubClass Of | |
Broad Match | |
Change Notes |
2024-02-23: New
2024-11-22: Added owl:disjointWith bffi:SeriesExpression
Class: | SerialPubType |
URN | |
Label |
Jatkuvan julkaisun tyyppi (fi)
Serial Publication Type (en)
Definition |
BFLC definition: Information recording the type of continuing resource. (en)
Equivalent Class | |
Is in Range Of | |
Change Notes |
2024-11-22: New
Class: | SerialWork |
URN | |
Label |
Sarjajulkaisuteos (fi)
Serial work (en)
Disjoint With | |
SubClass Of |
Is in Domain Of | |
Broad Match | |
Change Notes |
2024-02-23: New
2024-11-22: Added owl:disjointWith bffi:SeriesWork
Class: | SeriesExpression |
URN | |
Label |
Sarjaekspressio (fi)
Series expression (en)
Disjoint With | |
SubClass Of | |
Broad Match | |
Change Notes |
2024-02-23: New
2024-11-22: Added owl:disjointWith bffi:SerialExpression
Class: | SeriesWork |
URN | |
Label |
Sarjateos (fi)
Series work (en)
Disjoint With | |
SubClass Of |
Broad Match | |
Change Notes |
2024-02-23: New
2024-11-22: Added owl:disjointWith bffi:SerialWork
Class: | SoundCharacteristic |
URN | |
Label |
Äänitallenteen ominaisuudet (fi)
Sound characteristic (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Technical specification relating to the encoding of sound in a resource (en)
Equivalent Class | |
SubClassed As | |
Is in Range Of | |
Change Notes |
2024-11-22: New
Class: | SoundContent |
URN | |
Label |
Äänisisältö (fi)
Sound content (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Indication of whether the production of sound is an integral part of the resource (en)
Equivalent Class | |
See Also | |
Is in Range Of | |
Related Value Vocabulary |
Äänisisältö (mts)
Change Notes |
2024-11-22: New
Class: | Source |
URN | |
Label |
Lähde (fi)
Source (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Resource from which value or label came or was derived (en)
Equivalent Class | |
SubClassed As | |
Is in Range Of | |
Change Notes |
2024-02-23: New
2024-06-19: Removed mapping to RDA value vocabulary
Class: | SourceConsulted |
URN | |
Label |
Käytetty lähde (fi)
Source consulted (en)
Is in Range Of | |
Change Notes |
2024-06-19: New
Class: | Status |
URN | |
Label |
Status (fi)
Status (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Designation of the validity or position of something, e.g., whether something is incorrect or available (en)
Equivalent Class | |
Is in Range Of | |
Change Notes |
2024-02-23: New
Class: | StillImage |
URN | |
Label |
Stillkuva (fi)
Still image (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Resource expressed through line, shape, shading, etc., intended to be perceived visually as a still image or images in two dimensions, including two-dimensional images and slides and transparencies (en)
Equivalent Class | |
SubClass Of | |
See Also | |
Is in Domain Of | |
Change Notes |
2024-02-23: New
Class: | Sublocation |
URN | |
Label |
Alayksikkö tai kokoelma (fi)
Sublocation (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Specific place within the holding entity where the item is located or made available (en)
Equivalent Class | |
Is in Range Of | |
Change Notes |
2024-04-16: New
Class: | Summary |
URN | |
Label |
Sisällön yhteenveto (fi)
Summary (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Description of the content of a resource, such as an abstract, summary, etc. (en)
Equivalent Class | |
Is in Range Of | |
Change Notes |
2024-02-23: New
2024-11-22: Changed Finnish label from "Tiivistelmä" to "Sisällön yhteenveto"
Class: | SupplementaryContent |
URN | |
Label |
Lisätty sisältö (fi)
Supplementary material (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Index, bibliography, appendix, etc. intended to supplement the primary content of a resource (en)
Equivalent Class | |
Is in Range Of | |
Related Value Vocabulary |
Lisätty sisältö (mts)
Change Notes |
2024-11-22: New
Class: | SystemRequirement |
URN | |
Label |
Laitteisto- tai järjestelmävaatimukset (fi)
Equipment or system requirement (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Equipment or system requirements beyond what is normal and obvious for the type of carrier or type of file, such as make and model of equipment or hardware, operating system, amount of memory, programming language, other necessary software, any plug-ins or peripherals required to play, view, or run the resource (en)
Equivalent Class | |
SubClassed As | |
Is in Range Of | |
Change Notes |
2024-11-22: New
Class: | TableOfContents |
URN | |
Label |
Sisältöhuomautus (fi)
Table of contents (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Table of contents of a resource (en)
Equivalent Class | |
Is in Range Of | |
Change Notes |
2024-11-22: New
Class: | TactileNotation |
URN | |
Label |
Taktiili notaatio (fi)
Tactile notation (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Information on the symbol system used to convey the content of a tactile resource (en)
Equivalent Class | |
SubClass Of | |
See Also | |
Change Notes |
2024-02-23: New
Class: | TapeConfig |
URN | |
Label |
Ääninauhan raitojen määrä (fi)
Tape configuration (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Number of tracks on an audiotape, e.g., 12 track (en)
Equivalent Class | |
SubClass Of | |
Change Notes |
2024-11-22: New
Class: | Temporal |
URN | |
Label |
Ajanjakso (fi)
Temporal concept (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Chronological period (en)
Equivalent Class | |
Close Match | |
Change Notes |
2024-02-23: New
Class: | Text |
URN | |
Label |
Teksti (fi)
Text (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Resource intended to be perceived visually and understood through the use of language in written or spoken form (en)
Equivalent Class | |
SubClass Of | |
See Also | |
Change Notes |
2024-02-23: New
2024-06-19: Changed BIBRAME mapping from bffi-meta:broadMatch to owl:equivalentClass bf:Text
Class: | Title |
URN | |
Label |
Nimeke (fi)
Title entity (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Title information relating to a resource: work title, preferred title, instance title, transcribed title, translated title, variant form of title, etc. (en)
Equivalent Class | |
Is in Domain Of | |
Is in Range Of | |
Change Notes |
2024-02-23: New
Class: | TitleNote |
URN | |
Label |
Huomautus nimekkeestä (fi)
Title note (en)
SubClass Of | |
Is in Range Of | |
Broad Match | |
Change Notes |
2024-02-23: New
Class: | TitleSource |
URN | |
Label |
Nimekkeen tiedonlähde (fi)
Source of title (en)
SubClass Of | |
Is in Range Of | |
Related Value Vocabulary | |
Broad Match | |
Change Notes |
2024-06-19: New
Class: | Topic |
URN | |
Label |
Aihe (fi)
Topic (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Concept or area of knowledge (en)
Equivalent Class | |
Change Notes |
2024-02-23: New
Class: | TrackConfig |
URN | |
Label |
Ääniraidan asemointi (fi)
Track configuration (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Configuration of the audio track on a sound-track film, e.g., center track, edge track (en)
Equivalent Class | |
SubClass Of | |
See Also | |
Related Value Vocabulary |
Ääniraidan asemointi (mts)
Change Notes |
2024-11-22: New
Class: | UsageAndAccessPolicy |
URN | |
Label |
Käyttö- ja pääsyrajoitukset (fi)
Use and access conditions (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: General statement of allowances and restrictions on access to a resource, including retention, reproduction, access, and lending (en)
Equivalent Class | |
SubClassed As | |
Is in Range Of | |
Change Notes |
2024-02-23: New
Class: | UsePolicy |
URN | |
Label |
Käyttöehdot (fi)
Use policy (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Usage limitations placed on a resource with respect to reproduction, publication, exhibition, etc. (en)
Equivalent Class | |
SubClass Of | |
Related Value Vocabulary | |
Change Notes |
2024-02-23: New
Class: | VideoCharacteristic |
URN | |
Label |
Videon ominaisuudet (fi)
Video characteristic (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Technical specification relating to the encoding of video images in a resource (en)
Equivalent Class | |
SubClassed As | |
Is in Range Of | |
Change Notes |
2024-11-22: New
Class: | VideoFormat |
URN | |
Label |
Videoformaatti (fi)
Video format (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Standard, etc., used to encode the analog video content of a resource, e.g., Beta, 8mm (en)
Equivalent Class | |
SubClass Of | |
See Also | |
Related Value Vocabulary |
Kuvasuhde (mts)
Change Notes |
2024-11-22: New
Class: | Work |
URN | |
Label |
Teos (fi)
Work (en)
Disjoint With | |
SubClass Of | |
SubClassed As | |
Is in Domain Of | |
Is in Range Of | |
Broad Match | |
Change Notes |
2024-02-23: New
Object property: | acquisitionSource |
URN | |
Label |
hankintalähde (fi)
source of acquisition (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Information about an organization, person, etc., from which a resource may be obtained. (en)
Equivalent Property | |
Domain | |
Range | |
Broad Match | |
Change Notes |
2024-04-16: New
Object property: | adminMetadata |
URN | |
Label |
hallinnolliset metatiedot (fi)
administrative metadata (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Metadata about the metadata, especially provenance information. (en)
Equivalent Property | |
Domain | |
Range | |
Change Notes |
2024-06-19: New
Object property: | adminMetadataFor |
URN | |
Label |
hallinnolliset metatiedot kohteelle (fi)
administrative metadata for (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Relates an Administrative metadata resource to the resource it captures information about. (en)
Equivalent Property | |
Domain | |
Range | |
Close Match | |
Change Notes |
2024-06-19: New
Object property: | agent |
URN | |
Label |
liittyvä toimija (fi)
associated agent (en)
SubProperty Of | |
Domain |
Union of Contribution and ProvisionActivity
Range | |
Close Match | |
Change Notes |
2024-02-23: New
Object property: | aggregatedBy |
URN | |
Label |
aggregoija (fi)
aggregated by (en)
Inverse Property | |
SubProperty Of | |
Domain | |
Range | |
Broad Match | |
Exact Match | |
Change Notes |
2024-09-16: New
Object property: | aggregates |
URN | |
Label |
aggregoi ekspression (fi)
aggregates expression (en)
Inverse Property | |
SubProperty Of | |
Domain | |
Range | |
Broad Match | |
Exact Match | |
Change Notes |
2024-02-23: New
Object property: | appliedMaterial |
URN | |
Label |
päällimateriaali (fi)
applied material (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Physical or chemical substance applied to a base material of a resource. (en)
Equivalent Property | |
SubProperty Of | |
Domain | |
Range | |
Exact Match | |
Change Notes |
2024-09-16: New
Object property: | aspectRatio |
URN | |
Label |
kuvasuhde (fi)
aspect ratio (en)
SubProperty Of | |
Domain | |
Range | |
Exact Match | |
Change Notes |
2024-11-22: New
Object property: | aspectRatioOfRepresentativeExpression |
URN | |
Label |
edustavan ekspression kuvasuhde (fi)
aspect ratio of representative expression (en)
SubProperty Of | |
Domain | |
Range | |
Exact Match | |
Change Notes |
2024-11-22: New
Object property: | assigner |
URN | |
Label |
antava taho (fi)
assigner (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Entity that assigned the metadata, such as the entity that assigned a classification number, entity that assigned a name, entity that assigned an identifier. (en)
Equivalent Property | |
Domain | |
Range |
Union of Person and Organization
Close Match | |
Change Notes |
2024-06-19: New
Object property: | associatedResource |
URN | |
Label |
liittyvä aineisto (fi)
associated resource (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Associated resource (en)
Equivalent Property | |
Domain | |
Range | |
Change Notes |
2024-09-16: New
Object property: | baseMaterial |
URN | |
Label |
pohjamateriaali (fi)
base material (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Underlying physical material of a resource. (en)
Equivalent Property | |
SubProperty Of | |
Domain |
Union of Manifestation and Item
Range | |
Exact Match | |
Change Notes |
2024-09-16: New
Object property: | binding |
URN | |
Label |
sidostyyppi (fi)
binding method (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: A method used to bind a published or unpublished resource,or other binding information. (en)
Equivalent Property | |
Domain | |
Range | |
Exact Match | |
Change Notes |
2024-09-16: New
Object property: | bookFormat |
URN | |
Label |
bibliografinen koko (fi)
book format (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Result of folding a printed sheet to form a gathering of leaves. (en)
Equivalent Property | |
Domain | |
Range | |
Exact Match | |
Change Notes |
2024-09-16: New
Object property: | capture |
URN | |
Label |
taltiointitiedot (fi)
capture of content (en)
SubProperty Of | |
Domain | |
Range | |
Exact Match | |
Change Notes |
2024-02-23: New
2024-11-22: Changed Finnish label from "tallennustiedot" to "taltiointitiedot"
Object property: | captureOfRepresentativeExpression |
URN | |
Label |
edustavan ekspression taltiointitiedot (fi)
capture of content of representative expression (en)
SubProperty Of | |
Domain | |
Range | |
Close Match | |
Change Notes |
2024-11-22: New
Object property: | carrier |
URN | |
Label |
tallennetyyppi (fi)
carrier type (en)
SubProperty Of | |
Domain | |
Range | |
Exact Match | |
Change Notes |
2024-02-23: New
Object property: | cartographicAttributes |
URN | |
Label |
kartografinen data (fi)
cartographic data (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Cartographic data that identifies characteristics of the resource, such as coordinates, projection, etc. (en)
Equivalent Property | |
Domain | |
Range | |
Change Notes |
2024-02-23: New
2024-04-16: Changed domain from [bffi:Work, bffi:Manifestation] to bffi:CartographyWork
Object property: | cartographicProjection |
URN | |
Label |
karttaprojektio (fi)
cartographic projection (en)
SubProperty Of | |
Domain | |
Range | |
Exact Match | |
Change Notes |
2024-04-16: New
Object property: | cartographicProjectionOfRepresentativeExpression |
URN | |
Label |
edustavan ekspression karttaprojektio (fi)
cartographic projection of representative expression (en)
SubProperty Of | |
Domain | |
Range | |
Exact Match | |
Change Notes |
2024-04-16: New
2024-09-16: Changed domain from bffi:Cartographic to bffi:Work
Object property: | classification |
URN | |
Label |
luokitus (fi)
classification (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Classification number in any scheme. (en)
Equivalent Property | |
Domain | |
Range | |
Close Match | |
Change Notes |
2024-02-23: New
Object property: | collectionAccrualMethod |
URN | |
Label |
kokoelman kartuntamenetelmä (fi)
collection accrual method (en)
Domain | |
Range | |
Broad Match | |
Exact Match | |
Change Notes |
2024-04-16: New
2024-06-19: Removed subPropertyOf bffi:usageAndAccessPolicy
Object property: | collectionAccrualPolicy |
URN | |
Label |
kokoelman kartuttamisen linja (fi)
collection accrual policy (en)
Domain | |
Range | |
Broad Match | |
Exact Match | |
Change Notes |
2024-04-16: New
2024-06-19: Removed subPropertyOf bffi:usageAndAccessPolicy
Object property: | collectionArrangement |
URN | |
Label |
järjestämisperiaate (fi)
collection organization and arrangement (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Information about the organization and arrangement of a collection of resources. (en)
Inverse Property | |
Equivalent Property | |
Domain | |
Range | |
Exact Match | |
Change Notes |
2024-04-16: New
Object property: | collectionArrangementOf |
URN | |
Label |
järjestämisperiaate aineistolle (fi)
organization and arrangement of collection (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Relates an Arrangement resource to that which it describes. (en)
Inverse Property | |
Equivalent Property | |
Domain | |
Range | |
Change Notes |
2024-04-16: New
Object property: | colorContent |
URN | |
Label |
värisisältö (fi)
color content (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Color characteristics, e.g., black and white, multicolored. (en)
Equivalent Property | |
Domain | |
Range | |
Exact Match | |
Change Notes |
2024-04-16: New
2024-09-16: Removed domain [ bffi:Expression, bffi:Cartographic ]; added domain bffi:Manifestation
Object property: | content |
URN | |
Label |
sisältötyyppi (fi)
content type (en)
SubProperty Of | |
Domain | |
Range | |
Exact Match | |
Change Notes |
2024-02-23: New
Object property: | contentAccessibility |
URN | |
Label |
saavutettavuussisältö (fi)
content accessibility information (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Information that assists those with a sensory impairment for greater understanding of content, e.g., captions. (en)
Equivalent Property | |
Domain | |
Range | |
Exact Match | |
Change Notes |
2024-09-16: New
Object property: | contentOfRepresentativeExpression |
URN | |
Label |
edustavan ekspression sisältötyyppi (fi)
content type of representative expression (en)
SubProperty Of | |
Domain | |
Range | |
Exact Match | |
Change Notes |
2024-04-16: New
Object property: | contribution |
URN | |
Label |
kontribuutio (fi)
contribution (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Agent and its role in relation to the resource (en)
Equivalent Property | |
Domain | |
Range | |
Narrow Match | |
Change Notes |
2024-02-23: New
2024-09-16: Removed bffi:PrimaryContribution from range
Object property: | copyrightRegistration |
URN | |
Label |
tekijänoikeus- tai vapaakappaletiedot (fi)
copyright registration information (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Copyright and Legal Deposit registration information (en)
Equivalent Property | |
Domain | |
Range | |
Change Notes |
2024-02-23: New
Object property: | coverArt |
URN | |
Label |
kansikuva (fi)
cover art (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Cover art image of a resource. (en)
Equivalent Property | |
Domain | |
Range | |
Change Notes |
2024-02-23: New
Object property: | degree |
URN | |
Label |
oppiarvo (fi)
degree (en)
Domain | |
Range | |
Close Match | |
Change Notes |
2024-02-23: New
Object property: | derivedFrom |
URN | |
Label |
lähdemetatieto (fi)
source metadata (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Link to the metadata that was the source of the data (en)
Equivalent Property | |
Domain | |
Range | |
Change Notes |
2024-02-23: New
2024-06-19: Changed Finnish label from "metadatan lähde" to "lähdemetatieto"; removed RDA mapping
Object property: | descriptionAuthentication |
URN | |
Label |
autentikointikoodi (fi)
description authentication (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Indication of specific types of reviews that have been carried out on the description information (en)
Equivalent Property | |
Domain | |
Range | |
Change Notes |
2024-06-19: New
Object property: | descriptionConventions |
URN | |
Label |
kuvailusäännöt (fi)
description conventions (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Rules used for the descriptive content of the resource description (en)
Equivalent Property | |
Domain | |
Range | |
Close Match | |
Change Notes |
2024-06-19: New
Object property: | descriptionLanguage |
URN | |
Label |
kuvailukieli (fi)
description language (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Language used for the metadata (en)
Equivalent Property | |
Domain | |
Range | |
Broad Match | |
Change Notes |
2024-06-19: New
Object property: | descriptionLevel |
URN | |
Label |
kuvailun tietomalli (fi)
description level (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Designation of the descriptive content of the metadata (en)
Equivalent Property | |
Domain | |
Range | |
Change Notes |
2024-06-19: New
2024-11-22: Changed Finnish label from "kuvailutaso" to "kuvailun tietomalli"
Object property: | descriptionModifier |
URN | |
Label |
muokkaava taho (fi)
description modifier (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Agency that modified a description (en)
Equivalent Property | |
Domain | |
Range | |
Exact Match | |
Change Notes |
2024-06-19: New
Object property: | digitalCharacteristic |
URN | |
Label |
digitaalisen tiedoston ominaisuudet (fi)
digital characteristic (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Technical specification relating to the digital encoding of text, image, audio, video, and other types of data in a resource. (en)
Equivalent Property | |
Domain | |
Range | |
Exact Match | |
Change Notes |
2024-04-16: New
2024-11-22: Changed Finnish label from "digitaalisen tiedoston ominaisuus" to "digitaalisen tiedoston ominaisuudet"
Object property: | dissertation |
URN | |
Label |
tieto väitöskirjasta tai muusta opinnäytteestä (fi)
dissertation information (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Work presented as part of the formal requirements for an academic degree. (en)
Equivalent Property | |
Domain |
Union of MonographWork and AggregatingWork
Range | |
Exact Match | |
Change Notes |
2024-02-23: New
2024-11-22: Changed Finnish label from "tieto väitöskirjasta" to "tieto väitöskirjasta tai muusta opinnäytteestä"
Object property: | electronicLocator |
URN | |
Label |
elektronisen aineiston sijainti (fi)
electronic location (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Electronic location from which the resource is available. (en)
Equivalent Property | |
Domain | |
Range | |
Narrow Match | |
Change Notes |
2024-11-22: New
Object property: | emulsion |
URN | |
Label |
mikrofilmin ja mikrokortin emulsio (fi)
emulsion (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Suspension of light-sensitive chemicals used as a coating on a microfilm or microfiche, e.g., silver halide. (en)
Equivalent Property | |
Domain | |
Range | |
Exact Match | |
Change Notes |
2024-09-16: New
Object property: | encodingLevel |
URN | |
Label |
kuvailutaso (fi)
encoding level (en)
Definition |
BFLC definition: Designation of the fullness of the bibliographic description. (en)
Equivalent Property | |
Domain | |
Range | |
Change Notes |
2024-11-22: New
Object property: | enumerationAndChronology |
URN | |
Label |
numerointi- ja julkaisuaikatiedot (fi)
enumeration and chronology (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Numbering and dates of issues or items held. (en)
Equivalent Property | |
SubProperties | |
Domain | |
Range | |
Change Notes |
2024-02-23: New
Object property: | expressionManifested |
URN | |
Label |
manifestaatioon sisältyvä ekspressio (fi)
expression manifested (en)
Inverse Property | |
SubProperty Of | |
Domain | |
Range | |
Broad Match | |
Exact Match | |
Change Notes |
2024-02-23: New
2024-06-19: Changed BIBFRAME mapping bffi-meta:broadMatch from bf:hasInstance to bf:instanceOf
Object property: | expressionOf |
URN | |
Label |
ekspression toteuttama teos (fi)
expression of (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Work or Hub that the described Work or Hub is an expression of; used to connect Works and/or Hubs under LRM/RDA guidelines or similar implementations (en)
Inverse Property | |
Equivalent Property | |
SubProperty Of | |
Domain | |
Range | |
Exact Match | |
Change Notes |
2024-02-23: New
Object property: | extensionPlan |
URN | |
Label |
laajennussuunnitelma (fi)
extension plan (en)
Domain | |
Range | |
Broad Match | |
Exact Match | |
Change Notes |
2024-04-16: New
2024-06-19: Changed range from bffi:Issuance to bffi:ExtensionPlan
2024-09-16: Removed subPropertyOf bffi:issuance; broadMatch bf:issuance
Object property: | extent |
URN | |
Label |
laajuus (fi)
extent (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Number and type of units and/or subunits making up a resource. (en)
Equivalent Property | |
Domain | |
Range | |
Narrow Match | |
Change Notes |
2024-02-23: New
Object property: | extentOfRepresentativeExpression |
URN | |
Label |
edustavan ekspression laajuus (fi)
extent of representative expression (en)
Domain | |
Range | |
Close Match | |
Exact Match | |
Change Notes |
2024-04-16: New
Object property: | firstIssueChronology |
URN | |
Label |
numerointijakson ensimmäinen aikamäärite (fi)
first chronological designation of sequence (en)
SubProperty Of | |
Domain | |
Range | |
Broad Match | |
Exact Match | |
Change Notes |
2024-02-23: New
2024-04-16: Changed type to ObjectProperty; Changed BIBFRAME mapping to bffi-meta:closeMatch bf:firstIssue
Object property: | firstIssueEnumeration |
URN | |
Label |
numerointijakson ensimmäinen numero- ja/tai kirjainmäärite (fi)
first alphanumeric designation of sequence (en)
SubProperty Of | |
Domain | |
Range | |
Broad Match | |
Exact Match | |
Change Notes |
2024-02-23: New
2024-04-16: Changed type to ObjectProperty; Changed BIBFRAME mapping to bffi-meta:closeMatch bf:firstIssue
Object property: | fontSize |
URN | |
Label |
kirjasinkoko (fi)
font size (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Size of the type used to represent the characters and symbols in a resource. (en)
Equivalent Property | |
Domain | |
Range | |
Exact Match | |
Change Notes |
2024-09-16: New
Object property: | frequency |
URN | |
Label |
ilmestymistiheys (fi)
frequency (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Intervals at which the parts of a serially produced resource or the updates to an integrating resource are issued. (en)
Equivalent Property | |
Domain | |
Range | |
Exact Match | |
Change Notes |
2024-11-22: New
Object property: | generation |
URN | |
Label |
sukupolvi (fi)
generation (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Relationship between an original carrier and the carrier of a reproduction made from the original. (en)
Equivalent Property | |
Domain | |
Range | |
Change Notes |
2024-09-16: New
Object property: | generationProcess |
URN | |
Label |
konversioprosessi (fi)
generation process (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Indication of the program or process used to generate the description by application of a particular transformation (en)
Equivalent Property | |
Domain | |
Range | |
Change Notes |
2024-06-19: New
Object property: | genreForm |
URN | |
Label |
teoksen kategoria (fi)
category of work (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Form category or genre to which a resource belongs (en)
Equivalent Property | |
Domain | |
Range |
Union of rdfs:Resource and GenreForm
Exact Match | |
Change Notes |
2024-02-23: New
Object property: | grantingInstitution |
URN | |
Label |
oppiarvon myöntävä yhteisö (fi)
degree granting institution (en)
Domain | |
Range | |
Close Match | |
Change Notes |
2024-02-23: New
2024-11-22: Changed domain from [bffi:Dissertation, bffi:Degree] to bffi:Dissertation
Object property: | hasExpression |
URN | |
Label |
teoksen ekspressio (fi)
expressed as (en)
Inverse Property | |
SubProperty Of | |
Domain | |
Range | |
Close Match | |
Exact Match | |
Change Notes |
2024-02-23: New
2024-11-22: Changed mapping from owl:equivalentProperty to bffi-meta:closeMatch bf:hasExpression
Object property: | hasItem |
URN | |
Label |
manifestaation kappale (fi)
exemplar of manifestation (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Item which is an example of the described Instance (en)
Inverse Property | |
Equivalent Property | |
SubProperty Of | |
Domain | |
Range | |
Exact Match | |
Change Notes |
2024-02-23: New
Object property: | hasRepresentativeExpression |
URN | |
Label |
edustava ekspressio (fi)
representative expression (en)
Inverse Property | |
SubProperty Of | |
Domain | |
Range | |
Broad Match | |
Exact Match | |
Change Notes |
2024-02-23: New
Object property: | holding |
URN | |
Label |
kokoelman kappale (fi)
holding (en)
SubProperty Of | |
Domain | |
Range | |
Broad Match | |
Exact Match | |
Change Notes |
2024-04-16: New
Object property: | holdingOf |
URN | |
Label |
kappale kokoelmassa (fi)
holding of (en)
SubProperty Of | |
Domain | |
Range | |
Broad Match | |
Exact Match | |
Change Notes |
2024-04-16: New
Object property: | horizontalScale |
URN | |
Label |
horisontaalinen mittakaava (fi)
horizontal scale of cartographic content (en)
SubProperty Of | |
Domain | |
Range | |
Broad Match | |
Exact Match | |
Change Notes |
2024-02-23: New
Object property: | identifiedBy |
URN | |
Label |
tunniste (fi)
identifier (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Character string associated with a resource that serves to differentiate that resource from other resources, i.e., that uniquely identifies an entity. (en)
Inverse Property | |
Equivalent Property | |
Domain | |
Range | |
Narrow Match | |
Change Notes |
2024-02-23: New
2024-11-22: Changed RDA mapping from bffi-meta:exactMatch to several bffi-meta:narrowMatch
Object property: | identifies |
URN | |
Label |
tunniste entiteetille (fi)
resource identified (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Resource that is associated with a character string that serves to differentiate one resource from another. (en)
Inverse Property | |
Equivalent Property | |
See Also | |
Domain | |
Range | |
Change Notes |
2024-02-23: New
Object property: | illustrativeContent |
URN | |
Label |
kuvasisältö (fi)
illustrative content (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Information about content intended to illustrate a resource. (en)
Equivalent Property | |
Domain | |
Range | |
Exact Match | |
Change Notes |
2024-02-23: New
Object property: | immediateAcquisition |
URN | |
Label |
kappaleen hankintalähde (fi)
immediate acquisition (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Information about the circumstances, e.g., source, date, method, under which the resource was directly acquired. (en)
Equivalent Property | |
Domain | |
Range | |
Broad Match | |
Change Notes |
2024-04-16: New
Object property: | intendedAudience |
URN | |
Label |
kohderyhmä (fi)
intended audience (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Information that identifies the specific audience or intellectual level for which the content of the resource is considered appropriate. (en)
Equivalent Property | |
Domain |
Union of Expression and Manifestation
Range | |
Narrow Match | |
Change Notes |
2024-02-23: New
Object property: | intendedAudienceOfRepresentativeExpression |
URN | |
Label |
edustavan ekspression kohderyhmä (fi)
intended audience of representative expression (en)
Domain | |
Range | |
Close Match | |
Exact Match | |
Change Notes |
2024-04-16: New
Object property: | issuance |
URN | |
Label |
julkaisutapa (fi)
mode of issuance (en)
Domain | |
Range | |
Broad Match | |
Exact Match | |
Change Notes |
2024-02-23: New
2024-09-16: Removed subClassOf bf:issuance. Added BIBFRAME mapping bffi-meta:broadMatch bf:issuance
Object property: | itemOf |
URN | |
Label |
kappaleen edustama manifestaatio (fi)
manifestation exemplified (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Instance for which the described Item is an example (en)
Inverse Property | |
Equivalent Property | |
SubProperty Of | |
Domain | |
Range | |
Exact Match | |
Change Notes |
2024-02-23: New
Object property: | language |
URN | |
Label |
kieli (fi)
language information (en)
SubProperty Of | |
SubProperties | |
Domain | |
Range | |
Close Match | |
Change Notes |
2024-02-23: New
Object property: | languageOfExpression |
URN | |
Label |
ekspression kieli (fi)
language of expression (en)
SubProperty Of | |
Domain | |
Range | |
Broad Match | |
Exact Match | |
Change Notes |
2024-02-23: New
Object property: | languageOfRepresentativeExpression |
URN | |
Label |
edustavan ekspression kieli (fi)
language of representative expression (en)
Domain | |
Range | |
Close Match | |
Exact Match | |
Change Notes |
2024-02-23: New
Object property: | lastIssueChronology |
URN | |
Label |
numerointijakson viimeinen aikamäärite (fi)
last chronological designation of sequence (en)
SubProperty Of | |
Domain | |
Range | |
Broad Match | |
Exact Match | |
Change Notes |
2024-02-23: New
2024-04-16: Changed type to ObjectProperty; Changed BIBFRAME mapping to bffi-meta:closeMatch bf:lastIssue
2024-06-19: Changed BIBFRAME mapping to bffi-meta:broadMatch bf:enumerationAndChronology
Object property: | lastIssueEnumeration |
URN | |
Label |
numerointijakson viimeinen numero- ja/tai kirjainmäärite (fi)
last alphanumeric designation of alternative sequence (en)
SubProperty Of | |
Domain | |
Range | |
Broad Match | |
Exact Match | |
Change Notes |
2024-02-23: New
2024-04-16: Changed type to ObjectProperty; Changed BIBFRAME mapping to bffi-meta:closeMatch bf:lastIssue
2024-06-19: Changed BIBFRAME mapping to bffi-meta:broadMatch bf:enumerationAndChronology
Object property: | layout |
URN | |
Label |
layout (fi)
layout (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Arrangement of text, images, tactile notation, etc., in a resource. (en)
Equivalent Property | |
Domain | |
Range | |
Exact Match | |
Change Notes |
2024-06-19: New
Object property: | locationOfCollection |
URN | |
Label |
kokoelman sijainti (fi)
location of collection (en)
SubProperty Of | |
Domain | |
Range | |
Broad Match | |
Exact Match | |
Change Notes |
2024-04-16: New
Object property: | manifestationOfExpression |
URN | |
Label |
ekspression manifestaatio (fi)
manifestation of expression (en)
Inverse Property | |
SubProperty Of | |
Domain | |
Range | |
Broad Match | |
Exact Match | |
Change Notes |
2024-02-23: New
Object property: | manifestationOfWork |
URN | |
Label |
teoksen manifestaatio (fi)
manifestation of work (en)
Inverse Property | |
SubProperty Of | |
Domain | |
Range | |
Broad Match | |
Exact Match | |
Change Notes |
2024-02-23: New
Object property: | material |
URN | |
Label |
materiaali (fi)
material (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Resource uses, is composed of, integrates, etc. the related material. (en)
Equivalent Property | |
SubProperties | |
Domain | |
Range | |
Exact Match | |
Change Notes |
2024-09-16: New
Object property: | media |
URN | |
Label |
mediatyyppi (fi)
media type (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Categorization reflecting the general type of intermediation device required to view, play, run, etc., the content of a resource. (en)
Equivalent Property | |
Domain | |
Range | |
Exact Match | |
Change Notes |
2024-02-23: New
Object property: | mediumOfChoreographicContent |
URN | |
Label |
koreografisen sisällön esityskokoonpano (fi)
medium of performance of choreographic content (en)
Domain | |
Range | |
Close Match | |
Exact Match | |
Change Notes |
2024-11-22: New
Object property: | mediumOfChoreographicContentOfRepresentativeExpression |
URN | |
Label |
edustavan ekspression koreografisen sisällön esityskokoonpano (fi)
medium of performance of choreographic content of representative expression (en)
Domain | |
Range | |
Close Match | |
Exact Match | |
Change Notes |
2024-11-22: New
Object property: | metadataLicensor |
URN | |
Label |
metatiedon tekijänoikeus (fi)
metadata licensor (en)
Definition |
BFLC definition: Organization that licenses the intellectual property rights to the data contained in the description. (en)
Equivalent Property | |
Domain | |
Range | |
Change Notes |
2024-06-19: New
Object property: | mount |
URN | |
Label |
tukimateriaali (fi)
mount material or object (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Physical material or object used for the support or backing to which the base material of a resource has been attached. (en)
Equivalent Property | |
Domain | |
Range | |
Exact Match | |
Change Notes |
2024-09-16: New
Object property: | musicFormat |
URN | |
Label |
nuottiaineiston muoto (fi)
format of notated music (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Layout for content of a resource that is presented in the form of musical notation, such as full score, condensed score, vocal score, etc. (en)
Equivalent Property | |
Domain | |
Range | |
Exact Match | |
Change Notes |
2024-02-23: New
Object property: | musicMedium |
URN | |
Label |
musiikin esityskokoonpano (fi)
music medium of performance (en)
SubProperty Of | |
Domain |
Union of MusicAudioExpression and NotatedMusic
Range | |
Exact Match | |
Change Notes |
2024-02-23: New
2024-11-22: Changed BIBFRAME mapping from owl:equivalentProperty to rdfs:subPropertyOf bf:musicMedium
Object property: | musicMediumOfRepresentativeExpression |
URN | |
Label |
edustavan ekspression musiikin esityskokoonpano (fi)
medium of performance of musical content of representative expression (en)
SubProperty Of | |
Domain | |
Range | |
Exact Match | |
Change Notes |
2024-11-22: New
Object property: | notation |
URN | |
Label |
notaatio (fi)
notation system (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Alphabet, script, or symbol system used to convey the content of the resource, including specialized scripts, typefaces, tactile notation, movement notation, and musical notation. (en)
Equivalent Property | |
Domain | |
Range | |
Narrow Match | |
Change Notes |
2024-02-23: New
Object property: | note |
URN | |
Label |
huomautus (fi)
note (en)
SubProperty Of | |
SubProperties | |
Domain | |
Range | |
Narrow Match | |
Change Notes |
2024-02-23: New
2024-06-19: Changed domain from [bffi:AdminMetadata, bffi:Title] to rdfs:Resource
Object property: | originPlace |
URN | |
Label |
teoksen alkuperään liittyvä paikka (fi)
origin place (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Place from which the creation of the resource originated. (en)
Equivalent Property | |
SubProperty Of | |
Domain | |
Range | |
Exact Match | |
Change Notes |
2024-02-23: New
Object property: | place |
URN | |
Label |
paikka (fi)
place (en)
SubProperty Of | |
SubProperties | |
Domain | |
Range | |
Change Notes |
2024-02-23: New
Object property: | polarity |
URN | |
Label |
polariteetti (fi)
polarity (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Relationship of the colors and tones in an image to the colors and tones of the object reproduced. (en)
Equivalent Property | |
Domain | |
Range | |
Exact Match | |
Change Notes |
2024-09-16: New
Object property: | productionMethod |
URN | |
Label |
valmistusmenetelmä (fi)
production method (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Process used to produce a resource. (en)
Equivalent Property | |
Domain | |
Range | |
Exact Match | |
Change Notes |
2024-09-16: New
Object property: | projectionCharacteristic |
URN | |
Label |
elokuvafilmin projisointiominaisuudet (fi)
projection characteristic (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Technical specification relating to the projection of a motion picture film. (en)
Equivalent Property | |
Domain | |
Range | |
Change Notes |
2024-11-22: New
Object property: | provisionActivity |
URN | |
Label |
tuottamistiedot (fi)
provision activity (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Place, name, and/or date information relating to the publication, printing, distribution, issue, release, production, etc. of a resource. (en)
Equivalent Property | |
See Also | |
Domain | |
Range | |
Change Notes |
2024-02-23: New
Object property: | pubFrequency |
URN | |
Label |
ilmestymistiheys (fi)
publication frequency (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Relates a resource to a publication frequency resource to capture such details as first issue, last issue, status, etc. (en)
Equivalent Property | |
Domain | |
Range | |
Exact Match | |
Change Notes |
2024-11-22: New
Object property: | recordingSource |
URN | |
Label |
merkintälähde (fi)
recording source (en)
Domain | |
Range | |
Broad Match | |
Exact Match | |
Change Notes |
2024-02-23: New
2024-04-16: Changed domain from bffi:Work to bffi:AdminMetadata. Removed subClassOf bffi:Source
2024-06-19: Removed subPropertyOf bffi:derivedFrom
Object property: | reductionRatio |
URN | |
Label |
pienennyssuhde (fi)
reduction ratio (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Size of a micro-image in relation to the original from which it was produced. (en)
Equivalent Property | |
Domain | |
Range | |
Exact Match | |
Change Notes |
2024-11-22: New
Object property: | relatedTo |
URN | |
Label |
liittyvä resurssi (fi)
related resource (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Any relationship between Work, Instance, Item, and Event resources (en)
Equivalent Property | |
SubProperties | |
Domain | |
Range | |
Exact Match | |
Change Notes |
2024-02-23: New
2024-11-22: Changed RDA mapping to rdax:P00001
Object property: | relation |
URN | |
Label |
suhde (fi)
relation (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Associated resource and its relationship to the resource being described (en)
Equivalent Property | |
Domain | |
Range | |
Change Notes |
2024-09-16: New
2024-11-22: Changed range from bf:Relation to bffi:Relation
Object property: | relationship |
URN | |
Label |
suhdetyyppi (fi)
relationship (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Type of relationship between resources (en)
Equivalent Property | |
Domain | |
Range | |
Change Notes |
2024-09-16: New
Object property: | relief |
URN | |
Label |
korkeuserojen esitystapa (fi)
relief (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Relief term specified on a cartographic resource (en)
Equivalent Property | |
Domain | |
Range | |
Exact Match | |
Change Notes |
2024-04-16: New
Object property: | representativeExpressionOf |
URN | |
Label |
edustava ekspressio teokselle (fi)
is representative expression of (en)
Inverse Property | |
SubProperty Of | |
Domain | |
Range | |
Broad Match | |
Exact Match | |
Change Notes |
2024-02-23: New
Object property: | role |
URN | |
Label |
rooli (fi)
contributor role (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Function provided by a contributor, e.g., author, illustrator, etc. (en)
Equivalent Property | |
Domain | |
Range | |
Broad Match | |
Change Notes |
2024-02-23: New
Object property: | scale |
URN | |
Label |
mittakaava (fi)
scale (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Ratio of the dimensions of a form contained or embodied in a resource to the dimensions of the entity it represents, e.g., for images or cartographic resources. (en)
Equivalent Property | |
SubProperties | |
Domain |
Union of Expression and StillImage
Range | |
Exact Match | |
Change Notes |
2024-02-23: New
Object property: | scaleDesignation |
URN | |
Label |
mittakaavan määrite (fi)
scale designation (en)
SubProperty Of | |
Domain | |
Range | |
Broad Match | |
Exact Match | |
Change Notes |
2024-04-16: New
Object property: | scaleOfRepresentativeExpression |
URN | |
Label |
edustavan ekspression mittakaava (fi)
scale of representative expression (en)
Domain | |
Range | |
Close Match | |
Exact Match | |
Change Notes |
2024-04-16: New
Object property: | scaleOfStillImageOrThreeDimensionalForm |
URN | |
Label |
stillkuvan tai kolmiulotteisen muodon mittakaava (fi)
scale of still image or three-dimensional form (en)
SubProperty Of | |
Domain |
Union of StillImage and Object
Range | |
Broad Match | |
Exact Match | |
Change Notes |
2024-04-16: New
Object property: | serialPubType |
URN | |
Label |
jatkuvan julkaisun tyyppi (fi)
serial publication type (en)
Definition |
BFLC definition: Information recording the type of continuing resource. (en)
Equivalent Property | |
Domain | |
Range | |
Change Notes |
2024-11-22: New
Object property: | soundCharacteristic |
URN | |
Label |
äänitallenteen ominaisuudet (fi)
sound characteristic (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Technical specification relating to the encoding of sound in a resource. (en)
Equivalent Property | |
Domain | |
Range | |
Exact Match | |
Change Notes |
2024-11-22: New
Object property: | soundContent |
URN | |
Label |
äänisisältö (fi)
sound content (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Indication of whether the production of sound is an integral part of the resource. (en)
Equivalent Property | |
Domain | |
Range | |
Exact Match | |
Change Notes |
2024-11-22: New
Object property: | source |
URN | |
Label |
lähde (fi)
source (en)
SubProperty Of | |
Domain | |
Range | |
Narrow Match | |
Change Notes |
2024-02-23: New
Object property: | sourceConsulted |
URN | |
Label |
käytetty lähde (fi)
source consulted (en)
Domain | |
Range | |
Broad Match | |
Exact Match | |
Change Notes |
2024-02-23: New
2024-06-19: Changed range from bffi:Source to bffi:SourceConsulted; Removed subPropertyOf bffi:derivedFrom
Object property: | status |
URN | |
Label |
status (fi)
status (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Designation of the validity or position of something, such as indication that the classification number is canceled or invalid, circulation availability of an item, indication of whether the identifier is canceled or invalid. (en)
Equivalent Property | |
Domain | |
Range | |
Narrow Match | |
Change Notes |
2024-02-23: New
Object property: | subject |
URN | |
Label |
aihe (fi)
subject (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Subject term(s) describing a resource. (en)
Inverse Property | |
Equivalent Property | |
Domain | |
Range | |
Exact Match | |
Change Notes |
2024-02-23: New
Object property: | subjectOf |
URN | |
Label |
aiheena teoksessa (fi)
subject of (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Relates a subject to that which it describes. (en)
Inverse Property | |
Equivalent Property | |
Domain | |
Range | |
Change Notes |
2024-02-23: New
Object property: | sublocation |
URN | |
Label |
alayksikkö tai kokoelma (fi)
held in sublocation (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Specific place within the holding entity where the item is located or made available. (en)
Equivalent Property | |
Domain | |
Range | |
Broad Match | |
Change Notes |
2024-04-16: New
Object property: | summary |
URN | |
Label |
sisällön yhteenveto (fi)
summary content (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Summary or abstract of the resource described. (en)
Equivalent Property | |
Domain | |
Range | |
Change Notes |
2024-02-23: New
2024-11-22: Changed Finnish label from "tiivistelmä" to "sisällön yhteenveto"; changed domain from [Work, Expression, Manifestation] to bffi:Expression
Object property: | supplementaryContent |
URN | |
Label |
lisätty sisältö (fi)
supplementary material (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Material such as an index, bibliography, appendix intended to supplement the primary content of a resource. (en)
Equivalent Property | |
Domain | |
Range | |
Exact Match | |
Change Notes |
2024-11-22: New
Object property: | systemRequirement |
URN | |
Label |
laitteisto- tai järjestelmävaatimukset (fi)
equipment or system requirement (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Equipment or system requirement beyond what is normal and obvious for the type of carrier or type of file, such as make and model of equipment or hardware, operating system, amount of memory, programming language, other necessary software, any plug-ins or peripherals required to play, view, or run the resource, etc. (en)
Equivalent Property | |
Domain | |
Range | |
Change Notes |
2024-11-22: New
Object property: | tableOfContents |
URN | |
Label |
sisältöhuomautus (fi)
table of contents content (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Table of contents of the described resource. (en)
Equivalent Property | |
Domain | |
Range | |
Change Notes |
2024-11-22: New
Object property: | title |
URN | |
Label |
nimeke (fi)
title resource (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Name given to a resource. (en)
Inverse Property | |
Equivalent Property | |
Domain | |
Range | |
Narrow Match | |
Change Notes |
2024-02-23: New
Object property: | titleNote |
URN | |
Label |
huomautus nimekkeestä (fi)
title note (en)
SubProperty Of | |
Domain | |
Range | |
Broad Match | |
Change Notes |
2024-02-23: New
Object property: | titleOf |
URN | |
Label |
nimekkeenä (fi)
title of (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Relates a title resource to that which it is the title of. (en)
Inverse Property | |
Equivalent Property | |
Domain | |
Range | |
Narrow Match | |
Change Notes |
2024-02-23: New
Object property: | titleSource |
URN | |
Label |
nimekkeen tiedonlähde (fi)
source of title (en)
Domain | |
Range | |
Broad Match | |
Change Notes |
2024-06-19: New
Object property: | usageAndAccessPolicy |
URN | |
Label |
käyttö- ja pääsyrajoitukset (fi)
use and access condition (en)
SubProperty Of | |
Domain |
Union of Manifestation and Item
Range | |
Narrow Match | |
Change Notes |
2024-02-23: New
Object property: | verticalScale |
URN | |
Label |
kartografisen sisällön vertikaalinen mittakaava (fi)
vertical scale of cartographic content (en)
SubProperty Of | |
Domain | |
Range | |
Broad Match | |
Exact Match | |
Change Notes |
2024-02-23: New
Object property: | videoCharacteristic |
URN | |
Label |
videon ominaisuudet (fi)
video characteristic (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Technical specification relating to the encoding of video images in a resource (en)
Equivalent Property | |
Domain | |
Range | |
Change Notes |
2024-11-22: New
Object property: | workManifested |
URN | |
Label |
manifestaatioon sisältyvä teos (fi)
work manifested (en)
Inverse Property | |
SubProperty Of | |
Domain | |
Range | |
Broad Match | |
Exact Match | |
Change Notes |
2024-02-23: New
Datatype property: | aap |
URN | |
Label |
auktorisoitu hakutieto (fi)
authorized access point (en)
Definition |
BFLC definition: A text string that represents the label of the resource. It could be a name/title combination, but could also include additional fields to make it unique within the catalog. (en)
Equivalent Property | |
Domain | |
Range | |
Narrow Match | |
Change Notes |
2024-02-23: New
Datatype property: | acquisitionTerms |
URN | |
Label |
hankintatieto (fi)
terms of acquisition (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Conditions under which the publisher, distributor, etc., will normally supply a resource, e.g., price of a resource. (en)
Equivalent Property | |
Domain | |
Range | |
Close Match | |
Change Notes |
2024-04-16: New
Datatype property: | additionalScaleInformation |
URN | |
Label |
lisätieto mittakaavasta (fi)
additional scale information (en)
Domain | |
Range | |
Exact Match | |
Change Notes |
2024-04-16: New
Datatype property: | ascensionAndDeclination |
URN | |
Label |
rektaskensio ja deklinaatio (fi)
cartographic ascension and declination (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: System for identifying the location of a celestial object in the sky covered by the cartographic content of a resource using the angles of right ascension and declination. (en)
Equivalent Property | |
Domain | |
Range | |
Exact Match | |
Change Notes |
2024-04-16: New
Datatype property: | awards |
URN | |
Label |
palkinto (fi)
award (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Information on awards associated with the described resource. (en)
Equivalent Property | |
Domain | |
Range | |
Exact Match | |
Change Notes |
2024-02-23: New
Datatype property: | catalogerId |
URN | |
Label |
kuvailijan tunnus (fi)
cataloger ID (en)
Definition |
BFLC definition: ID of the cataloger who created or edited the description. (en)
Equivalent Property | |
Domain | |
Range | |
Change Notes |
2024-06-19: New
Datatype property: | changeDate |
URN | |
Label |
kuvailun muokkausajankohta (fi)
description change date (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Date or date and time on which the metadata was modified (en)
Equivalent Property | |
SubProperty Of | |
Domain | |
Range | |
Change Notes |
2024-06-19: New
Datatype property: | classificationPortion |
URN | |
Label |
luokka (fi)
classification number (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Classification number (single class number or beginning number of a span) that indicates the subject by applying a formal system of coding and organizing resources. (en)
Equivalent Property | |
Domain | |
Range | |
Change Notes |
2024-06-19: New
Datatype property: | code |
URN | |
Label |
koodi (fi)
code (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: String of characters that serves as a code representing information. (en)
Equivalent Property | |
Domain | |
Range | |
Change Notes |
2024-02-23: New
Datatype property: | collectionOrganization |
URN | |
Label |
aineiston ryhmittely (fi)
organization of material (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Manner in which the resource is divided into smaller units. (en)
Equivalent Property | |
Domain | |
Range | |
Change Notes |
2024-04-16: New
Datatype property: | coordinates |
URN | |
Label |
koordinaatit (fi)
cartographic coordinates (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Mathematical system for identifying the area covered by the cartographic content of a resource, expressed either by means of longitude and latitude on the surface of planets or by the angles of right ascension and declination for celestial cartographic content. (en)
Equivalent Property | |
Domain | |
Range | |
Exact Match | |
Change Notes |
2024-02-23: New
Datatype property: | copyrightDate |
URN | |
Label |
copyright-vuosi (fi)
copyright date (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Date associated with a claim of protection under copyright or a similar regime. (en)
Equivalent Property | |
SubProperty Of | |
Domain | |
Range | |
Exact Match | |
Change Notes |
2024-02-23: New
Datatype property: | creationDate |
URN | |
Label |
kuvailun luontiajankohta (fi)
description creation date (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Date or date and time on which the original metadata first created (en)
Equivalent Property | |
SubProperty Of | |
Domain | |
Range | |
Close Match | |
Change Notes |
2024-06-19: New
Datatype property: | credits |
URN | |
Label |
huomautus esittäjistä ja tuotantoon osallistujista (fi)
credits note (en)
SubProperty Of | |
SubProperties | |
Domain | |
Range | |
Close Match | |
Change Notes |
2024-06-19: New
Datatype property: | creditsPerformer |
URN | |
Label |
huomautus osallistujista tai esittäjistä (fi)
participant or performer credits (en)
SubProperty Of | |
Domain | |
Range | |
Broad Match | |
Change Notes |
2024-06-19: New
Datatype property: | creditsProduction |
URN | |
Label |
huomautus tuotantoon osallistujista (fi)
creation or production credits (en)
SubProperty Of | |
Domain | |
Range | |
Broad Match | |
Change Notes |
2024-06-19: New
Datatype property: | custodialHistory |
URN | |
Label |
kappaleen omistushistoria (fi)
custodial history (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Information about the provenance, such as origin, ownership and custodial history (chain of custody), of a resource. (en)
Equivalent Property | |
Domain | |
Range | |
Exact Match | |
Change Notes |
2024-04-16: New
Datatype property: | date |
URN | |
Label |
ajankohta (fi)
date (en)
SubProperty Of | |
SubProperties | |
Domain | |
Range | |
Close Match | |
Change Notes |
2024-02-23: New
2024-06-19: Changed Finnish label from "aika" to "ajankohta"
Datatype property: | dimensions |
URN | |
Label |
koko (fi)
dimensions (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Measurements of the carrier or carriers and/or the container of a resource. (en)
Equivalent Property | |
Domain | |
Range | |
Exact Match | |
Change Notes |
2024-06-19: New
Datatype property: | distributionStatement |
URN | |
Label |
jakelumerkintö (fi)
distribution statement (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Statement related to the distribution of the resources; usually transcribed. (en)
Equivalent Property | |
Domain | |
Range | |
Exact Match | |
Change Notes |
2024-09-16: New
Datatype property: | duration |
URN | |
Label |
kesto (fi)
duration (en)
SubProperty Of | |
Domain | |
Range | |
Exact Match | |
Change Notes |
2024-02-23: New
2024-11-22: Changed BIBFRAME mapping from owl:equivalentProperty to rdfs:subPropertyOf bf:duration
Datatype property: | durationOfRepresentativeExpression |
URN | |
Label |
edustavan ekspression kesto (fi)
duration of representative expression (en)
Domain | |
Range | |
Close Match | |
Exact Match | |
Change Notes |
2024-11-22: New
Datatype property: | edition |
URN | |
Label |
luokituksen painos (fi)
classification scheme edition (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Edition of the classification scheme, such as full, abridged or a number, when a classification scheme designates editions. (en)
Equivalent Property | |
Domain | |
Range | |
Change Notes |
2024-06-19: New
2024-11-22: Changed Finnish label from "painoksen tyyppi" to "luokituksen painos"
Datatype property: | editionEnumeration |
URN | |
Label |
painosmäärite (fi)
edition enumeration (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Enumeration of the edition; usually transcribed. (en)
Equivalent Property | |
Domain | |
Range | |
Narrow Match | |
Change Notes |
2024-11-22: New
Datatype property: | editionStatement |
URN | |
Label |
painosmerkintö (fi)
edition statement (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Information identifying the edition or version of the resource and associated statements of responsibility for the edition; usually transcribed. (en)
Equivalent Property | |
Domain | |
Range | |
Narrow Match | |
Change Notes |
2024-02-23: New
2024-11-22: Changed Finnish label from "painosmäärite" to "painosmerkintö"; changed RDA mapping from bffi-meta:exactMatch rdam:P30133 to bffi:narrowMatch [rdam:P30121|rdam:P30115|rdam:P30118|rdam:P30112]
Datatype property: | equinox |
URN | |
Label |
ekvinokti (fi)
cartographic equinox (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: One of two points of intersection of the ecliptic and the celestial equator, occupied by the sun when its declination is 0 degrees. (en)
Equivalent Property | |
Domain | |
Range | |
Change Notes |
2024-04-16: New
Datatype property: | exclusionGRing |
URN | |
Label |
poissulkeva G-kehä (fi)
cartographic G ring area excluded (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Coordinate pairs that identify the closed non-intersecting boundary of the area contained within the G-polygon outer ring that is excluded. (en)
Equivalent Property | |
Domain | |
Range | |
Change Notes |
2024-04-16: New
Datatype property: | firstIssue |
URN | |
Label |
ensimmäinen numero (fi)
multipart first issue (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Beginning date of a resource and/or the sequential designations. (en)
Equivalent Property | |
Domain | |
Range | |
Change Notes |
2024-02-23: New
Datatype property: | generationDate |
URN | |
Label |
konversioajankohta (fi)
date generated (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Date of conversion of the metadata from another format (en)
Equivalent Property | |
SubProperty Of | |
Domain | |
Range | |
Change Notes |
2024-06-19: New
Datatype property: | hierarchicalLevel |
URN | |
Label |
hierarkkinen taso (fi)
hierarchical level of material (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Hierarchical position of the described materials relative to other material from the same source. (en)
Equivalent Property | |
Domain | |
Range | |
Change Notes |
2024-04-16: New
Datatype property: | historyOfWork |
URN | |
Label |
teoksen historia (fi)
history of the work (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Information about the history of a Work. (en)
Equivalent Property | |
Domain | |
Range | |
Exact Match | |
Change Notes |
2024-02-23: New
Datatype property: | itemPortion |
URN | |
Label |
kappalenumero (fi)
classification item number (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Number attached to a classification string that indicates a particular item. (en)
Equivalent Property | |
Domain | |
Range | |
Change Notes |
2024-06-19: New
Datatype property: | lastIssue |
URN | |
Label |
viimeinen numero (fi)
multipart last issue (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Ending date of a resource and/or the sequential designations. (en)
Equivalent Property | |
Domain | |
Range | |
Change Notes |
2024-02-23: New
Datatype property: | legalDate |
URN | |
Label |
allekirjoittamisen tai voimaantulon ajankohta (fi)
date of legal work (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Date of legal work, or promulgation of a law, or signing of a treaty. (en)
Equivalent Property | |
SubProperty Of | |
Domain | |
Range | |
Broad Match | |
Change Notes |
2024-11-22: New
Datatype property: | mainTitle |
URN | |
Label |
nimekkeen merkkijono (fi)
main title (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Title being addressed. Possible title component. (en)
Equivalent Property | |
Domain | |
Range | |
Change Notes |
2024-02-23: New
Datatype property: | manufactureStatement |
URN | |
Label |
valmistusmerkintö (fi)
manufacture statement (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Statement related to the manufacture of the resources; usually transcribed. (en)
Equivalent Property | |
Domain | |
Range | |
Exact Match | |
Change Notes |
2024-02-23: New
2024-09-16: Changed mapping to bf:manufactureStatement; removed subPropertyOf bf:provisionActivityStatement
Datatype property: | marcKey |
URN | |
Label |
marc-kentän sisältö (fi)
marc key for headings (en)
Definition |
BFLC definition: String to store MARC data (en)
Equivalent Property | |
Domain | |
Range | |
Change Notes |
2024-06-19: New
Datatype property: | musicKey |
URN | |
Label |
sävellaji (fi)
music key (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Pitch and mode for music. (en)
Equivalent Property | |
Domain | |
Range | |
Narrow Match | |
Change Notes |
2024-02-23: New
2024-11-22: Changed domain by removing bffi:Work and adding bffi:MusicAudioWork
Datatype property: | musicOpusNumber |
URN | |
Label |
opusnumero (fi)
music opus number (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Numeric designation of a musical work assigned by a composer, publisher, or a musicologist. (en)
Equivalent Property | |
Domain | |
Range | |
Exact Match | |
Change Notes |
2024-02-23: New
Datatype property: | musicSerialNumber |
URN | |
Label |
musiikkiteoksen järjestysnumero (fi)
music serial number (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Numeric designation for musical works consecutively numbered in music reference sources. (en)
Equivalent Property | |
Domain | |
Range | |
Exact Match | |
Change Notes |
2024-02-23: New
Datatype property: | musicThematicNumber |
URN | |
Label |
temaattisen teosluettelon numero (fi)
music thematic number (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Numeric designation for a musical work as found in a thematic index for the composer. (en)
Equivalent Property | |
Domain | |
Range | |
Exact Match | |
Change Notes |
2024-02-23: New
Datatype property: | natureOfContent |
URN | |
Label |
sisällön luonne (fi)
content nature (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Characterization that epitomizes the primary content of a resource, e.g., field recording of birdsong; combined time series analysis and graph plotting system. (en)
Equivalent Property | |
Domain | |
Range | |
Exact Match | |
Change Notes |
2024-02-23: New
Datatype property: | nonSortNum |
URN | |
Label |
ohitettavien merkkien määrä (fi)
non-sort character count (en)
Definition |
BFLC definition: Number of characters at the start of a label that should be skipped for indexing and sorting. (en)
Equivalent Property | |
Domain | |
Range | |
Change Notes |
2024-11-22: New
Datatype property: | originDate |
URN | |
Label |
teoksen ajankohta (fi)
origin date (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Date or date range associated with the creation of a Work. (en)
Equivalent Property | |
SubProperty Of | |
Domain | |
Range | |
Exact Match | |
Change Notes |
2024-02-23: New
Datatype property: | outerGRing |
URN | |
Label |
ulompi G-kehä (fi)
cartographic outer G ring area covered (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Coordinate pairs that identify the closed non-intersecting boundary of the area covered. (en)
Equivalent Property | |
Domain | |
Range | |
Close Match | |
Change Notes |
2024-04-16: New
Datatype property: | partName |
URN | |
Label |
osan nimeke (fi)
part title (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Part or section name of a title. Possible title component. (en)
Equivalent Property | |
Domain | |
Range | |
Change Notes |
2024-02-23: New
Datatype property: | partNumber |
URN | |
Label |
osan numero (fi)
part number (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Part or section enumeration of a title. Possible title component. (en)
Equivalent Property | |
Domain | |
Range | |
Exact Match | |
Change Notes |
2024-02-23: New
Datatype property: | pattern |
URN | |
Label |
järjestys (fi)
arrangement of material (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Pattern of arrangement of materials within a unit. (en)
Equivalent Property | |
Domain | |
Range | |
Change Notes |
2024-04-16: New
Datatype property: | physicalLocation |
URN | |
Label |
kappaleen sijainti (fi)
location of item (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Location in the holding agency where the item is shelved or stored. (en)
Equivalent Property | |
Domain | |
Range | |
Exact Match | |
Change Notes |
2024-04-16: New
Datatype property: | preferredCitation |
URN | |
Label |
ensisijainen viittausmuoto (fi)
preferred citation (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Citation to the resource preferred by its custodian of the resource. (en)
Equivalent Property | |
Domain | |
Range | |
Exact Match | |
Change Notes |
2024-02-23: New
Datatype property: | productionStatement |
URN | |
Label |
tuotantomerkintö (fi)
production statement (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Statement related to the production of the resources; usually transcribed. (en)
Equivalent Property | |
Domain | |
Range | |
Exact Match | |
Change Notes |
2024-09-16: New
Datatype property: | publicationStatement |
URN | |
Label |
julkaisumerkintö (fi)
publication statement (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Statement related to the publication of the resources; usually transcribed. (en)
Equivalent Property | |
Domain | |
Range | |
Exact Match | |
Change Notes |
2024-09-16: New
Datatype property: | qualifier |
URN | |
Label |
tarkenne (fi)
qualifier (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Qualifier of information, such as an addition to a title to make it unique or qualifying information associated with an identifier. (en)
Equivalent Property | |
Domain | |
Range | |
Close Match | |
Change Notes |
2024-02-23: New
Datatype property: | responsibilityStatement |
URN | |
Label |
vastuullisuusmerkintö (fi)
creative responsibility statement (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Statement relating to any persons, families, or corporate bodies responsible for the creation of, or contributing to the content of a resource; usually transcribed. (en)
Equivalent Property | |
Domain | |
Range | |
Exact Match | |
Change Notes |
2024-02-23: New
Datatype property: | seriesEnumeration |
URN | |
Label |
numerointijakson sisäinen numerointi (fi)
series enumeration (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Series enumeration of the resource; usually transcribed. (en)
Equivalent Property | |
Domain | |
Range | |
Exact Match | |
Change Notes |
2024-02-23: New
Datatype property: | seriesStatement |
URN | |
Label |
sarjamerkintö (fi)
series statement (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Statement of the series the resource is in; usually transcribed; includes the ISSN if applicable. (en)
Equivalent Property | |
Domain | |
Range | |
Exact Match | |
Change Notes |
2024-02-23: New
Datatype property: | simpleAgent |
URN | |
Label |
auktorisoimaton liittyvä toimija (fi)
agent (en)
Definition |
BFLC definition: Name of publisher, distributor, manufacturer or producer as transcribed from the resource (en)
Equivalent Property | |
Domain | |
Range | |
Change Notes |
2024-02-23: New
Datatype property: | simpleDate |
URN | |
Label |
tuottamiseen liittyvä vuosiluku (fi)
date of provision activity (en)
Definition |
BFLC definition: Date of publication, distribution, manufacture or production as transcribed from the resource (en)
Equivalent Property | |
Domain | |
Range | |
Change Notes |
2024-02-23: New
Datatype property: | simplePlace |
URN | |
Label |
auktorisoimaton paikka (fi)
place (en)
Definition |
BFLC definition: Location of publication, distribution, manufacture or production as transcribed from the resource (en)
Equivalent Property | |
Domain | |
Range | |
Close Match | |
Change Notes |
2024-02-23: New
Datatype property: | spanEnd |
URN | |
Label |
luokan loppunumero (fi)
classification number span end (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Ending number of classification number span. (en)
Equivalent Property | |
Domain | |
Range | |
Change Notes |
2024-06-19: New
Datatype property: | subtitle |
URN | |
Label |
muu nimeketieto (fi)
subtitle (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Word, character, or group of words and/or characters that contains the remainder of the title after the main title. Possible title component. (en)
Equivalent Property | |
Domain | |
Range | |
Close Match | |
Change Notes |
2024-02-23: New
Datatype property: | table |
URN | |
Label |
luokkataulun tunniste (fi)
classification table identification (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Number of the table from which the classification number in a subdivision entry is taken, e.g., a DDC table. (en)
Equivalent Property | |
Domain | |
Range | |
Change Notes |
2024-06-19: New
Datatype property: | tableSeq |
URN | |
Label |
luokkataulun järjestysnumero (fi)
classification table sequence number (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Sequence number or other identifier for an internal classification sub arrangement or add in a classification scheme. (en)
Equivalent Property | |
Domain | |
Range | |
Change Notes |
2024-06-19: New
Datatype property: | temporalCoverage |
URN | |
Label |
ajanjakso (fi)
temporal coverage (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Time period coverage of the content of the resource. (en)
Equivalent Property | |
Domain | |
Range | |
Exact Match | |
Change Notes |
2024-02-23: New
Datatype property: | validDate |
URN | |
Label |
voimassaoloaika (fi)
valid date (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: The date or date range during which the resource is accurate. (en)
Equivalent Property | |
SubProperty Of | |
Domain | |
Range | |
Broad Match | |
Change Notes |
2024-11-22: New
Datatype property: | variantAccessPoint |
URN | |
Label |
varianttihakutieto (fi)
variant access point (en)
Domain | |
Range | |
Narrow Match | |
Change Notes |
2024-02-23: New
2024-06-19: Removed mappings to RDA Agent properties
2024-09-16: Changed domain from rdfs:Resource to [bffi:Work, bffi:Expression, bffi:Manifestation, bffi:Item]
Datatype property: | version |
URN | |
Label |
versio (fi)
version (en)
Definition |
BIBFRAME definition: Term or terms that identify works such as arranged for music, vulgate for religious work, etc. (en)
Equivalent Property | |
Domain | |
Range | |
Change Notes |
2024-11-22: New
Annotation property: | bffi-meta:broadMatch |
URN | |
Label |
laajempi vastaavuus (fi)
broad match (en)
Definition |
Merkitykseltään vastaava laajempi luokka tai ominaisuus jossakin toisessa ontologiassa tai skeemassa. (fi)
Semantically broader class or property in another ontology or scheme. (en)
SubProperty Of | |
Change Notes |
2024-02-23: New
Annotation property: | bffi-meta:closeMatch |
URN | |
Label |
lähes vastaava (fi)
close match (en)
Definition |
Merkitykseltään lähes vastaava luokka tai ominaisuus jossakin toisessa ontologiassa tai skeemassa. (fi)
Semantically similar class or property in another ontology or scheme. (en)
Equivalent Property | |
SubProperty Of | |
Change Notes |
2024-02-23: New
Annotation property: | bffi-meta:exactMatch |
URN | |
Label |
tarkasti vastaava (fi)
exact match (en)
Definition |
Merkitykseltään vastaava luokka tai ominaisuus jossakin toisessa ontologiassa tai skeemassa. (fi)
Semantically exactly matching class or property in another ontology or scheme. (en)
SubProperty Of | |
Change Notes |
2024-02-23: New
Annotation property: | bffi-meta:narrowMatch |
URN | |
Label |
suppeampi vastaavuus (fi)
narrow match (en)
Definition |
Merkitykseltään vastaava suppeampi luokka tai ominaisuus jossakin toisessa ontologiassa tai skeemassa. (fi)
Semantically narrower class or property in another ontology or scheme. (en)
SubProperty Of | |
Change Notes |
2024-02-23: New
Annotation property: | bffi-meta:relatedValueVocabulary |
URN | |
Label |
liittyvä arvosanasto (fi)
related value vocabulary (en)
Definition |
Liittyvän luokan edustajia sisältävä arvosanasto. (fi)
Value vocabulary containing values of the related class. (en)
SubProperty Of | |
Change Notes |
2024-02-23: New
Identifier: | rdfs:Literal |
Is in Range Of |
Identifier: | rdfs:Resource |
Is in Domain Of | |
Is in Range Of |
Deprecated class: | AudioExpression (deprecated) |
URN | |
Label |
Ääniekspressio (fi)
Audio expression (en)
Deprecated |
Change Notes |
2024-02-23: New
2024-11-22: Deprecated. Superclass was removed while subclasses remained in the model
Deprecated class: | AudioWork (deprecated) |
URN | |
Label |
Ääniteos (fi)
Audio work (en)
Deprecated |
Change Notes |
2024-02-23: New
2024-11-22: Deprecated. Separated to bffi:MusicWork and bffi:NonMusicAudioWork
Deprecated class: | MusicAudioWork (deprecated) |
URN | |
Label |
Musiikkiääniteos (fi)
Music audio work (en)
Deprecated |
Is Replaced By | |
Change Notes |
2024-02-23: New
2024-11-22: Deprecated. Replaced by a broader class bffi:MusicWork which also incorporates notated music works
Deprecated property: | accompaniedBy (deprecated) |
URN | |
Label |
liite (fi)
accompanied by (en)
Deprecated |
Change Notes |
2024-04-16: New
2024-11-22: Deprecated. Replaced by the indirect bffi:relation structure
Deprecated property: | accompanies (deprecated) |
URN | |
Label |
liitteenä (fi)
accompanies (en)
Deprecated |
Change Notes |
2024-04-16: New
2024-11-22: Deprecated. Replaced by the indirect bffi:relation structure
Deprecated property: | catalogue (deprecated) |
URN | |
Label |
luettelo (fi)
catalogue (en)
Deprecated |
Change Notes |
2024-04-16: New
2024-11-22: Deprecated. Replaced by the indirect bffi:relation structure
Deprecated property: | catalogueOf (deprecated) |
URN | |
Label |
luettelo kokoelmamanifestaatiolle (fi)
catalogue of (en)
Deprecated |
Change Notes |
2024-04-16: New
2024-11-22: Deprecated. Replaced by the indirect bffi:relation structure
Deprecated property: | colorContentOfRepresentativeExpression (deprecated) |
URN | |
Label |
edustavan ekspression värisisältö (fi)
color content of representative expression (en)
Deprecated |
Change Notes |
2024-04-16: New
2024-09-16: Deprecated
Deprecated property: | dataSource (deprecated) |
URN | |
Label |
tiedonlähde (fi)
source of information (en)
Deprecated |
Change Notes |
2024-02-23: New
2024-11-22: Deprecated. Replaced by the indirect bffi:relation structure
Deprecated property: | descriptionScript (deprecated) |
URN | |
Label |
kuvailun kirjoitusjärjestelmä (fi)
script of description (en)
Deprecated |
Change Notes |
2024-06-19: New
2024-11-22: Deprecated. Can be represented with bffi:language
Deprecated property: | editionStatementOfRevision (deprecated) |
URN | |
Label |
nimetyn uudistetun painoksen määrite (fi)
edition statement of revision (en)
Deprecated |
Is Replaced By | |
Change Notes |
2024-02-23: New
2024-11-22: Deprecated
Deprecated property: | expressionIdentifiedBy (deprecated) |
URN | |
Label |
ekspression tunniste (fi)
identifier for expression (en)
Deprecated |
Is Replaced By | |
Change Notes |
2024-02-23: New
2024-11-22: Deprecated
Deprecated property: | findingAid (deprecated) |
URN | |
Label |
kokoelmaluettelo (fi)
finding aid (en)
Deprecated |
Change Notes |
2024-04-16: New
2024-11-22: Deprecated. Replaced by the indirect bffi:relation structure
Deprecated property: | findingAidOf (deprecated) |
URN | |
Label |
hakemisto manifestaatiolle (fi)
finding aid for (en)
Deprecated |
Change Notes |
2024-04-16: New
2024-11-22: Deprecated. Replaced by the indirect bffi:relation structure
Deprecated property: | hasEquivalent (deprecated) |
URN | |
Label |
vastaava (fi)
equivalence (en)
Deprecated |
Change Notes |
2024-02-23: New
2024-11-22: Deprecated. Replaced by the indirect bffi:relation structure
Deprecated property: | hasPart (deprecated) |
URN | |
Label |
kokonaisuuden osa (fi)
has part (en)
Deprecated |
Change Notes |
2024-02-23: New
2024-11-22: Deprecated. Replaced by the indirect bffi:relation structure
Deprecated property: | hasReproduction (deprecated) |
URN | |
Label |
manifestaation jäljenne (fi)
reproduced as manifestation (en)
Deprecated |
Change Notes |
2024-02-23: New
2024-11-22: Deprecated. Replaced by the indirect bffi:relation structure
Deprecated property: | index (deprecated) |
URN | |
Label |
hakemisto (fi)
has index (en)
Deprecated |
Change Notes |
2024-04-16: New
2024-11-22: Deprecated. Replaced by the indirect bffi:relation structure
Deprecated property: | indexOf (deprecated) |
URN | |
Label |
hakemisto manifestaatiolle (fi)
index to (en)
Deprecated |
Change Notes |
2024-04-16: New
2024-11-22: Deprecated. Replaced by the indirect bffi:relation structure
Deprecated property: | itemIdentifiedBy (deprecated) |
URN | |
Label |
kappaleen tunniste (fi)
identifier for item (en)
Deprecated |
Is Replaced By | |
Change Notes |
2024-02-23: New
2024-11-22: Deprecated
Deprecated property: | label (deprecated) |
URN | |
Label |
termi (fi)
label (en)
Deprecated |
Is Replaced By | |
Change Notes |
2024-02-23: New
2024-11-22: Deprecated
Deprecated property: | latitude (deprecated) |
URN | |
Label |
leveysaste (fi)
latitude (en)
Deprecated |
Is Replaced By | |
Change Notes |
2024-02-23: New
2024-04-16: Deprecated
Deprecated property: | longitude (deprecated) |
URN | |
Label |
pituusaste (fi)
longitude (en)
Deprecated |
Is Replaced By | |
Change Notes |
2024-02-23: New
2024-04-16: Deprecated
Deprecated property: | manifestationIdentifiedBy (deprecated) |
URN | |
Label |
manifestaation tunniste (fi)
identifier for manifestation (en)
Deprecated |
Is Replaced By | |
Change Notes |
2024-02-23: New
2024-11-22: Deprecated
Deprecated property: | ordinal (deprecated) |
URN | |
Label |
järjestysnumero (fi)
number in sequence (en)
Deprecated |
Change Notes |
2024-04-16: New
2024-11-22: Deprecated
Deprecated property: | partOf (deprecated) |
URN | |
Label |
osa kokonaisuutta (fi)
part of (en)
Deprecated |
Change Notes |
2024-02-23: New
2024-11-22: Deprecated. Replaced by the indirect bffi:relation structure
Deprecated property: | precededBy (deprecated) |
URN | |
Label |
edeltäjä (fi)
preceded by (en)
Deprecated |
Change Notes |
2024-02-23: New
2024-11-22: Deprecated. Replaced by the indirect bffi:relation structure
Deprecated property: | projection (deprecated) |
URN | |
Label |
karttaprojektio (fi)
cartographic projection (en)
Deprecated |
Is Replaced By | |
Change Notes |
2024-02-23: New
2024-04-16: Deprecated
Deprecated property: | reproductionOf (deprecated) |
URN | |
Label |
jäljenne manifestaatiosta (fi)
reproduction of (en)
Deprecated |
Change Notes |
2024-02-23: New
2024-11-22: Deprecated. Replaced by the indirect bffi:relation structure
Deprecated property: | subcollection (deprecated) |
URN | |
Label |
alakokoelma (fi)
subcollection (en)
Deprecated |
Change Notes |
2024-04-16: New
2024-11-22: Deprecated. Replaced by the indirect bffi:relation structure
Deprecated property: | subcollectionOf (deprecated) |
URN | |
Label |
alakokoelma kokoelmassa (fi)
has subcollection (en)
Deprecated |
Change Notes |
2024-04-16: New
2024-11-22: Deprecated. Replaced by the indirect bffi:relation structure
Deprecated property: | succeededBy (deprecated) |
URN | |
Label |
seuraaja (fi)
succeeded by (en)
Deprecated |
Change Notes |
2024-02-23: New
2024-11-22: Deprecated. Replaced by the indirect bffi:relation structure
Deprecated property: | translation (deprecated) |
URN | |
Label |
käännös (fi)
translated as (en)
Deprecated |
Change Notes |
2024-02-23: New
2024-11-22: Deprecated. Replaced by the indirect bffi:relation structure
Deprecated property: | translationOf (deprecated) |
URN | |
Label |
käännöksen perustana (fi)
translation of (en)
Deprecated |
Change Notes |
2024-02-23: New
2024-11-22: Deprecated. Replaced by the indirect bffi:relation structure
Deprecated property: | workGroupIdentifiedBy (deprecated) |
URN | |
Label |
teosryhmän tunniste (fi)
identifier for work group (en)
Deprecated |
Is Replaced By | |
Change Notes |
2024-02-23: New
2024-11-22: Deprecated
Deprecated property: | workIdentifiedBy (deprecated) |
URN | |
Label |
teoksen tunniste (fi)
identifier for work (en)
Deprecated |
Is Replaced By | |
Change Notes |
2024-02-23: New
2024-11-22: Deprecated